ヴィジュアル刑 {visual kei} profile picture

ヴィジュアル刑 {visual kei}

Pretty Graffitti™

About Me

I live& go to fashion school in Japan. BUT I'M BACK HOME IN NYC FOR A FEW MONTHS WOO-HOO. Relaxy time~
The name's

but you can call me kei. not "Kei". no caps, kids; just kei .
I'm a fashion designer and someday you'll hear of me officially.
If I'm lucky, I'll get to do some activity as the vocalist of a Japanese visual band.
And I also want to be a KERA model. Don't laugh.
I'm decent to look at, but I'll always strive for (my definition of) perfection.
I'm relatively friendly, but I'm not nice(if you were in my head you'd understand). Love to be with friends, but quite shy at heart. Guess it's cause I don't like being alone--hate it. I love fashion, especially Japanese fashion like lolita, decora, goth/punk, and J-rock& visual kei--even though most of the best bands have disbanded already...
I Love C o l o u r s .
I Love my sense of fashion.
I Love designing clothes.
I Love making clothes.
I Love buying clothes.
I. Love. Clothes. And no, I'm not just that damn shallow, fashion is simply my life.
I Love that I can speak in both Jap an ese and En gli sh.
I Love my dad, my brother Corey, my cat mel, and my lambie meimei.

And my fucking awesome friends, of course. :3
I Love attention.
I Love cookies and cakes to an utterly unfathomable degree.
I like smoking. I quit smoking. Until I go back to Japan because cigarettes are to damn expensive here.
But despite all the things I love, I have a violent temper and I hate very easily. I was also blessed with the talent to cut anyone off like an infected limb. :)
If you don't like me, then you're probably jealous of me. :D
Unless I've fucked you over or something, of course.
-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._.-._. -._.-._.-._.-._.-.
MSN=[email protected]
♥ talk to me, i'm not a bitch--i swear! XDDD
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I have a web-store (more accurately, a selling journal), that has a bunch of really cute things--clothes, jewelry, accessories, socks, etc., and I'd love for you to check it out~ (^-^) ♥ Pretty Graffitti™ ♥

My Interests

V-kei/jrock and fashion--mainly japan street fashion: (loli)punk, goth[sweet]-loli, FRUiTsy, kodona, aristocrat, ????, decora... the designing and making of clothes. some drawing. some fiction writing. reading v-kei mags. studying japanese. japanese everything in general. food; i was grotesquely obese in a past life. friends; i need to be around people. i'm a social, attention-loving creature.

I'd like to meet:

No message, no add. I have enough friends, who I cherish quite a deal, so give me a reason to add you to them.


Band(s)/Album(s) that Media Player has been raping lately:
Nothing at the moment D:

Bands/Artists I like(you'll notice the vast majority are of the vkei nature lawl)
- alice nine -
- ayabie -
-(INDIES) ????{baroque} [R.I.P.]
-cali=/=gari [R.I.P.]
-deadman [R.I.P.]
-Devil Kitty-
-Dir en grey-
-Emily Autumn-
-Fatima [R.I.P.]
- gazette -
-Gullet [R.I.P.]
-?????jinkaku radio-
-??kagerou [R.I.P.]
-Kiss Kiss-
- Moi dix mois -
-Psycho le cemu [R.I.P.]
-Rentrer en Soi-
-Schwarz Stein [R.I.P.]
-Shulla [R.I.P.]
-Suicide Ali-
-The Candy Spooky Theater-
-Utada Hikaru-
-Vanilla [R.I.P.]
-Velvet Eden [R.I.P.]
-Vogus Image [R.I.P.]


those with eye candy and/or strange/deep meaning:
V for Vendetta || Shimotsuma Monogatari || Hedwig& the Angry Inch || Donnie Darko || K-Pax || Summer Camp || Detroit Rock City(Ed Furlong is teh sex ♥) || Y Tu Mama Tambien || Tank Girl || Just Visiting || Moulin Rouge || Heathers(young Christian Slater ♥) || Summer School || Ferris Bueller's Day Off || Never Been Kissed || Requiem for a Dream || Garden State || Starzky& Hutch


FRIENDS || Frasier || Everybody Loves Raymond || Dharma& Greg || Everwood || Lost || Andromeda || Scrubs || Sex And the City || ER || Ellen Degeneres show || One Life to Live || All my Children || Supernatural || South Park || Related || Family Guy...&more. Some random japanese things for practice, but nothing in particular.

Video Games Skies of Arcadia || King of Fighters || Final Fantasy(?) || Street Fighter || Resident Evil || Silent Hill || The Bouncer || Super Smash Brothers || Katamari Damacy || The Legend of Zelda || Soul Calibur || Xenosaga || Tales of Symphonia || Chronno Trigger || Breath of Fire || Secret of Mana...god, the list goes on. In short, any RPG or fighting game with pretty characters, and survival horrors.


V-kei mags - SHoXX || FOOLSMATE || Cure...etc.
Fashion mags/mooks - KERA || Gothic& Lolita Bible || ????{gosu rori}...etc.
??????????{Trinity Blood}??????????English version's called "Wallflower" || ????????{god child} || ????????{Vampire Knight} || DOLL || Pet Shop of Horrors || Damekko Dahlia || ???????????{Vampire Savior}English version's called "Darkstalkers"--yeah, based on the video game...some random yaoi hentai, &more.
kogepan!!! I like cute kiddie books that take way my worries. Though I really should try reading an actual novel sometime.
SLASH/fanfics: 85% gay, 15% lez. Go away hetero, go away. Please refer to my "Favorite Video Games" section; those are my fandoms. I also like Harry Potter slash...though I don't care so much for the actual books...



My Blog

I’m back. again :x

Uh...yeah.It's been quite awhile.First of I'd like t say that I'm sorry for worrying people with not writing more after my last entry, and that the school fee and stuff turned out fine.My new class is...
Posted by ô£¸å¢ë {visual kei} on Sat, 17 May 2008 09:05:00 PST


I am so broke.Im back in Japan, and had to pay hundreds to get my utilities and phone turned back on, to find out that my phone contract has already been cancelled.  Now I can..t get a new phone ...
Posted by ô£¸å¢ë {visual kei} on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 10:04:00 PST

Cold feet.

I can’t believe that tomorrow around this time, I won’t be in this bed... I’m kind of nervous to go back. My apartment is kind of empty(ie. missing fridge, washing machine, TV, and g...
Posted by ô£¸å¢ë {visual kei} on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 06:22:00 PST

It was bound to happen, huh...

First was xanga for 2.5 years, then Myspace for almost 3, and now Livejournal.  Just as xanga did, it looks like Myspace has become a ghost town these days.  Maybe it's just me, but it's not...
Posted by ô£¸å¢ë {visual kei} on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 07:33:00 PST

I really want to get back into Visual Kei

I used to be such a hardcore vkei-er, man...high school was bearable thanks to the mixed CDs in my player, the bandmember picture printouts in my binder, the discected/translated lyrics smus...
Posted by ô£¸å¢ë {visual kei} on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 04:58:00 PST

Cause of death: Suicide

I've always known for a long time that my life will end in suicide.  Simone had made a similar blog too, but our reasons are different, aren't they.It's common belief that suiciders(new word) are...
Posted by ô£¸å¢ë {visual kei} on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 09:37:00 PST

Goodbye Japan, Hello New York!

Yes, it finally happened: I'm back home.  Since Nov.29th! Well, actually, not forever.  Back in Japan, it got pretty hectic, couldn't make my comeback in school and I hated ev...
Posted by ô£¸å¢ë {visual kei} on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 03:12:00 PST

My crazy fun adventurous day

I can't believe almost another month has gone by since my last blog.  Time goes so fast, before you know it I'll be like 30 :( Yesterday I went to hang out in harajuku with Simone.  I was an...
Posted by ô£¸å¢ë {visual kei} on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 02:48:00 PST

(Ir)Regular Update (and kiiiiinda long) w/pics :x

It's already been a month since I've last blogged.  Where does that time go, wow.  Well, Summer vacation's over, and I'm back in the schoooool rat-race D: What did I do this Summer, you ask?...
Posted by ô£¸å¢ë {visual kei} on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 07:47:00 PST


??? Today was the first time I actually cried because of just how much I hate my self-image. It seems no matter what I do, I can't lose any weight.I thought about vomitting for a minute, but I paid fo...
Posted by ô£¸å¢ë {visual kei} on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 09:14:00 PST