( (( Radio Sanctuary )) ) is a site devoted mainly to the the promotion of bands of the "dark" scene, not signed groups or which already have their public of fans.
You will find all necessary informations (where to send your promos to be diffused on Radio Sanctuary, which material to forward to us etc.) on the infos pages on our site at left or by sending an myspace email to us or directely from here
While waiting we wish you a good listening and great discoveries with the bands who already decided to join us .
Are you a band? register and add your 88x31 link banner here
Become a supporter! add your banner to ( (( Radio Sanctuary )) ) main page in exchange of one of our banner to your own site. Click here after you registered
( (( www.radio-sanctuary.com )) )
READ before you request us as your new friend :
We only accept DARK BANDS - DJ's - ZINES - LABELS and so on.
It mean NO People with personnal MySpace !!!!