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Maron Sho


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Maron Sho performs AOR-Melodic Rock. Instruments: 2 guitars, bass, keybords, drums and percussionsOur music sustains strong rock rhythm, fullfilled with colourful melody, where characteristic lays in polyphony of 4 female voices. Maron Sho formed spontaneously in Philological High school in Belgrade, Serbian capital, due to professor Milos Prajzovic's initiation( rhythm guitar, percussion, author) and his fellow students. The band was finally created in forthcoming months when additional professional musicians/artists joined the crew. Maron Sho did their first gig in November, 2003. in the "Fest- club" in Zemun city, near Belgrade. Later, the band successfully performed in well known Belgrade places as: " The Youth Club" ( " Dom Omladine"), "SKC", " Caffe bar of Sava Centar" , " Stratus" , " Gutemberg", " Katastrofa", "Danguba", Belgrade Beer Fest 2007." and so on. Maron Sho also joined the caravan of radio 202, and is traveling all over the country! On one of their successful gigs in the club " Plastic", the band recorded 2 songs for the prestige tv show on the National tv channel. Out of 14th November, 2006. Maron Sho signed for the Belgrade label " ACTIVE TIME" and their full-lenght debut finally came to light. There are 12 author tracs on the album.At the moment, Maron Sho is working on some new songs for the next album, also looking for producers and labels! Maron Sho mada some changes in the bend, so the ne members are Filip Sho on the solo guitar, and Stole Sho on the bass! Ivana Kostic is no longer a member of Maron Sho, and now it's a 3 singer band, wich sounds even better! Maron Sho is preparing for the performance on Adria Rock Event in Nish, 31.5, and is having a warm up gig at klub Zica at 9 pm on the 26th! See ya there!
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Member Since: 7/26/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:Shomi Sho (guitars) Aca Sho (drums) Filip Sho (guitars) Stole Sho (bass) Milica Sho (vocals) Jovana Sho (vocals) Marijana Sho (vocals)
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Record Label: Active time
Type of Label: None

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Intervju povodom svirke 23. u Dangubi, novine 24 sata

Kad vruce kestenje" peva A. Ladarevic - 18.03.2008. - 23:21 Yellow magic can" je naziv njihovog prvog albuma koji je izdat pre dve godine. Ako nas danas pozovete na 333-4692 u 12 sati mo~et...
Posted by Maron Sho on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 07:23:00 PST


Mozete poruciti cd Maron Sho-a preko Maron Sho myspace stranice i dobiti cd na kucnu adresu po istoj ceni od 350 dinara! Sve sto trebe da uradite je da posaljete poruku sa svijim imemom, prezimenom, a...
Posted by Maron Sho on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 01:40:00 PST


Prvi album Maron Sho-a je juce konacno stigao u nase ruke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mogu vam reci, osecaj je irealan! Album kosta 359 dinara i svi koji zele da ga kupe to mogu da urade u muzickim radnjama i kod...
Posted by Maron Sho on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 01:26:00 PST

fenomenalna svirka u klubu 37

Juce, odnosno, 24.9. u klubu 37 Maron Sho je odrzao jednu od svojih najboljih, ako ne i najbolju svirku... A zasto je to bitno? Bitno je, jer se ovaj bend konacno razvio u jedan zreo bend i daleko se ...
Posted by Maron Sho on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 01:48:00 PST