About Me
My Program is called I.C.A.T. Defensive Concepts which stands for International Combative Arts & Technology.The seeds of this Self-Defense and Fighting System were planted back in 1972 in Asbury Park's Monmouth Boy's Club under the tutelage of Mr. Bernard Butts in their undefeated Drill Team which trophy's adorn the recreational area to this day. I learned that dedication and practice makes perfect. My official Pugelistic training began with Mr. Michael Murphy also a boy's club coach.Since then I've studied with the following Master's, Coach's and Friend's:4th Degree Black Belt, Wado Ryu Karate Do, Amar hazim Dojo, Main St, Asbury Park, NJ 07712 from June 1973-Oct 1975.
Chief Warrant Officer III John Gorrell,Military Intelligence Special Forces, Hand to Hand Combat tactics,Military Fitness Instruction, At the 517th M.I. Detachment, Ft. Knox, Ky Oct 1978-Nov 1979.
Master H. Kim, 5th Degree Sim-Do Moo Duk Kwan, which is a blend of Judo & Tae kwon Do, at Yoang Soang Base Dojo, in Seoul Korea, promoted to Brown belt Dec 1979-Feb 1981
Master Edward brown, 6th Degree Japanese Goju Ryu Karate
Master Sergeant, U.S.Army Retired in Belgium,as part of the Black Knight's Karate fighting & Demo Team trained at Ft.Bliss,Texas Post Gymnasium,El Paso, TX
Feb 1981-Sep 1982 Attended the 1982 Pro-Am National's in Ft Worth,TX Aug 1982 won brown belt division trophy.
Promoted to Black Belt in the Black knight's fighting method September 12th 1982 under Master Ed.Brown B.K.K.A.out of Dallas, TX.
Master Y. Lee, 6th Degree Hap Ki Do, Master Clifford Clark, 4th Degree Tae kwon do/Hap Ki Do, again at the Yoang Song Base Dojo, Seoul Korea,Oct 1982-Oct 1983.
Sweet Science of boxing at Camp Coiner, Korea under Coach Willie Williams from Ft. Bragg North Carolina for six month's and fought 6 undefeated bout's as a middle weight in Korea the Command Sergeant Major of Camp Coiner noticed my ability's and placed me on special service status which allowed me to train as my job assignment while station in Korea that year 1982-1983. (Honorably Discharged from the Military October 21, 1983.)My journey continued under Master Hamin Rasool a Muslim, Fourth Level Sifu, Wing Chun Do Gung Fu, Four Star martial Arts Academy, Flint, MI.I Moved back to New Jersey and competed in local tournaments at Brookdale Community College.In 1989 I joined the Princeton Academy of Martial Art's under the tutelage of Guru Rick Tucci where I was introduced to Sifu Larry Hartsell an original student of the late Sifu Bruce Lee. I trained with Guru Dan Inosanto in JKD, Silat, Eskrima; Sifu Burt Richardson in JKD, JKD Grappling Arts; Professor Salem Assli in the Art of Savate which is French Foot Fighting or Old Boot.I'm State Certified as a Defensive Tactics Instructor by the N.J. State Police. As a 14 year veteran of the Department of corrections I have utilized my skills on occasion to control unruly convicts.This synopsis of my extensive Martial Arts training and experiences in the Martial Sciences is what qualifies me to train others and I am still learning, training and absorbing What's Useful!
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