Michelle "Mothra" Millette - filmmaker. profile picture

Michelle "Mothra" Millette - filmmaker.

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am moving to Austin, TX in September to chase funnel clouds and dream in 16:9
Screenplay progress:
Douglas. (6th draft): 85%
Faith & Revelation (1st draft): 40%
Put your ass in the chair and bleed on the page.
coweatman (1:49:36 AM): random thought while watching buffy the vampire slayer - if my future self or someone claiming to be such a thing came back and told me not to do something, i think i'd probably say "fuck you, even if you are me, i need to make my own mistakes, or this life isn't mine".
tetriscide (11:35:03 AM): you deserve a taco
Shit happens...
I'm a director/screenwriter/script supervisor/editor/all around bad ass. I'm currently working to reshoot my first feature, Douglas. after a hard drive failure. Don't trust RAID 0 kiddos and back up your shit daily. Check out the project here:
Here is the rough cut of the Douglas. trailer. Sound is not mixed and it is uncolor corrected. A recut will be happening shortly. Enjoy!
Douglas Trailer from Harry Pray IV on Vimeo .
see the music video I directed/edited in 2005 for the band, Reverend Glasseye:
.. width="425" height="350" ..
I started the Papercut Zine Library back in 2004. Now its 10,000 zines strong with a big group of awesome folks who run the library.
I stand outside in thunderstorms. Would you care to join me?

My Interests


Making movies. You. People who aren't afraid to believe in their own selves. Writing tortuous screenplays. Being on a film set, constantly. My cat. the Panasonic HVX200 and all of its beauty. the new england revolution, who will someday win a cup. Editing on Avid. Douglas. Late night beers and ridiculous conversations. true anarchists. DJ Nitetrain. Swingsets in churchyards at 2AM. movie watching in austin. Ashtanga yoga. my friends. restarts, reshoots, and resolution. eye candy. the Papercut Zine Library. Shows filled with sweaty punks.

I'd like to meet:

You. instant message AOL: Zenga9032


I'd give anything to be haunted by Robert Mitchum's ghost.

Take an axe to likable protagonists.



eels, reverend glasseye, man-man, micah smaldone, Oasis, the eyesores, fanfare ciocarla, world inferno friendship society, dead kennedys, subhumans, crass, the phantom limbs, cock sparrer, the crucifucks, 999, the dead boys, stiff little fingers, the adicts, the adverts, the kids, slim cessna's auto club, ghost mice, joy division, bread and roses, generation X, the modern lovers, cojoba, ho-ag, fleas and lice, hank williams, nina simone, magnetic fields, gang of four, wanda jackson, the cramps, jolie holland, merle haggard, johnny cash, the carter family, hazel dickens, the moldy peaches, x-ray spex, zounds, the white stripes, random hip hop and pop tunes.


There Will Be Blood, Night of the Hunter, the Conformist, American Beauty, Five Easy Pieces, Dog Day Afternoon, Godfather I & II, Raging Bull, Superbad, American Psycho, Old Boy, the Take, Dawn of the Dead, Trainspotting, Pi, Citizen Kane, M, Annie Hall, Rushmore, Dead Alive, Fallen Angels, Bladerunner, Death Proof, Glen Gary Glen Ross, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Carnival of Souls, Diary of the Dead, [Rec], Parallel Worlds, Parallel Lives (BBC documentary about Hugh Everett III), millions upon millions more.


House MD.


Rebel Voices: An IWW Anthology, the Stand, Swan Song, Hamlet, the Road, Nine Stories, the Richard Bachman novellas (the Rage, the Long Walk, etc.), White Noise, Wise Blood, Make Your Own Damn Movie, lots of Capote, Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot will always have a place in my heart, as well as Fraggle Rock books, Superfudge, Jeremy Thatcher Dragon Hatcher, and the Fear Street stories, as bad as they were.

Comics: Transmetropolitan, V for Vendetta, the Watchmen, the Walking Dead, the Preacher


on a personal level, they know who they are. In general, Emma Goldman, Christian Bale, Paul Dano, Warren Ellis, Paul Thomas Anderson, Mark Oliver Everett

My Blog

Vote for my friends in the Webbys!!!

My friends Tony and Paul got nominated in this year’s Webbys for a great stop motion animation called Tony vs. Paul, which you can view here: You can vote for them for a people’...
Posted by Michelle "Mothra" Millette - filmmaker. on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 07:05:00 PST

Check out my craigslist blog!

I just started a blog about the weird shit I find in the craigslist free listings. Please check it out, I hope to update it daily if possible. Free Couch on the Curb Blogthanks!...
Posted by Michelle "Mothra" Millette - filmmaker. on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 08:05:00 PST

it is a disease.

Tonight I hit 20 pages of a new feature script I am working on. I really have to ask myself how I can dare bring myself to do this again, after going through Douglas. and all the, erm, joys that came...
Posted by Michelle "Mothra" Millette - filmmaker. on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 07:43:00 PST

EXTRAS needed for feature film Sept. 14th-16th

Looking for extras for a few scenes being shot the weekend of Sept. 14th-16th in the downtown Boston area. Film is a feature length drama that is mostly wrapped for principle photography and finishin...
Posted by Michelle "Mothra" Millette - filmmaker. on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 07:54:00 PST


...or what the hell I've been doing for the past month:I've been making a movie!You can check out the hundreds of behind the scenes photos I shot on our flickr accountit's not quite done yet, but what...
Posted by Michelle "Mothra" Millette - filmmaker. on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 12:12:00 PST

Film stills from the first weekend of shooting!

just a taste...Douglas Smith (Adam Glasseye) rides the bus. Christopher Randall-Smith (Matthew Robertson) leaves a message for mom. Charlie Randall-Smith (Benjamin Leader) stares at his brother. Film ...
Posted by Michelle "Mothra" Millette - filmmaker. on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 01:49:00 PST

production blog #101839184784

AHHHHH!!!! We're just over a week from production. Everything is one big blur of meetings and phone calls and debates and banks and equipment& it never ends. I think I'm developing an ulcer, or som...
Posted by Michelle "Mothra" Millette - filmmaker. on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 07:27:00 PST

What's going on with my movie?!

Holy shit, we're less than two weeks from production! Things have been crazy here, we've set our location and decorating has begun (you can see the photos of the location before set decor on our mysp...
Posted by Michelle "Mothra" Millette - filmmaker. on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 08:33:00 PST

Of Chaos and Confusion (Production Blog #6)

This time last summer, I was sitting by Lake Ontario in a hammock with a gentle summer breeze blowing in off the water and a magnificent sunset before my eyes. My laptop, which, at the time, had a co...
Posted by Michelle "Mothra" Millette - filmmaker. on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 10:16:00 PST

yay! good news!

Hey everyone!We have obtained fiscal sponsorship for my film, Douglas.. This means donations to the project are tax deductible! We need a few good people to step up and help us out in our quest to r...
Posted by Michelle "Mothra" Millette - filmmaker. on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 07:17:00 PST