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Richard Potter Songs

Richard Potter Songs

About Me

Welcome to Richard Potter Songs on MySpace. I'm Richard Potter, songwriter. I began writing songs when I was 14 in 1967. Since then I've written over 100 songs, which I am starting to get professionally produced for the very first time. I invite you to visit my website which will feature other songs I've written as they are produced.

Right now I have four songs for you to hear: "Kafka Love Song", "Noel", "Love Is Blind", and "Oh, George". The lyrics to my songs appear below.

"Kafka Love Song" is a dreamy, romantic love song which attempts to express how love feels to me. When I'm in love, it makes me feel empowered, as though I could do anything -- including fly across the sky and change wrong to right.
The middle verse is inspired by Franz Kafka's unfinished masterpiece, The Castle. In his novel, Kafka describes a dream in which his character is waiting for permission to go through a door that is guarded by an imposing figure. The pitiful character waits his entire life, never going through the portal. In the end as the guard closes the door, he discovers that the doorway had been meant for him all along, and that he never needed anyone's permission in the first place to pass through!
As the final verse expresses, love is what saved me from this fate. The love that my wife Rachel Grace has given me has freed my soul and opened every door.
Thanks to my producer, the legendary John Custer , "Kafka Love Song" has an unbelievably rich, orchestral quality. The background vocals by Teresa Williams are absolutely gorgeous. I love Teresa's voice and I feel very fortunate and honored to have her perform on my song. Steve Baker did a marvelous job on trumpet.
To buy "Kafka Love Song" on CD, click here . It's also available at Apple's iTunes .

"Noel" is a song I wrote in honor of Noel Neill, the original Lois Lane. Ms. Neill appeared as Lois Lane in the old Superman serials starring Kirk Alyn (which predated the TV show) and also played the character in seasons 2-6 of the Adventures of Superman. In June 2007, I had the honor of meeting Ms. Neill at the Superman Celebration held in Metropolis, IL. I gave her a copy of her song on a CD and was told later on, when she got home and was able to listen to it, that she was very moved.
Since the lyrics presuppose a certain degree of familiarity with the TV show, there is an explanation of their "hidden" meaning immediately following the lyrics below.
You can purchase "Noel" on CD by clicking here . You can also purchase the song at Apple's iTunes. Here is the link .

"Love Is Blind" is a country/pop/rock song has a great hook; and when you listen, you'll instantly pick up the strong Buddy Holly influences. Several folks who've already heard this song agree that it's very catchy. I really believe that this song has the potential to be a huge cross-over hit if performed by the right artist. If you are open-minded about doing a cover of someone else's material and wouldn't mind having a smash, number one hit on both the country and the pop/rock charts (I say that with all due humility, of course), I hope you will consider performing my song.
To buy "Love Is Blind" on CD, click here . You can also purchase the song at Apple's iTunes .

Last but not least, "Oh, George" is dedicated to George Reeves, the star of the 1950's TV show, the Adventures of Superman. The song is about the impact his alleged suicide had on me as a little boy. Although it expresses the despair millions of his fans felt when we heard the news that he had killed himself, my song ends on a note of hope. Thanks to my producer, John Custer , the song has a very nice 1950's pop/rock feel to it.
This song is also featured at my other MySpace site, George Reeves Forever , where you can read about the reaction to the song and watch some very cool animations based on the old TV show.
If you would like to have a copy of "Oh, George" on CD, then click here here . "Oh, George" is also available to download from Apple's iTunes. Just click here .
Be sure to check out "Oh, George - the Video":

Coming soon: "Silver and Blue", "Carolina", and "And She Loved Me".
"Silver and Blue" is a song in which a father says farewell to his daughter. Silver and Blue stand for many things in this song. They are the colors of winter, and the song evokes the feeling of peace and tranquility of a winter night as the starlight sparkles on the snow. And they are the colors of the archangel Michael. As the father tells his daughter that it is time for him to leave this world, he expresses his wish that she will always have peace and love in her heart and that she will make a difference with her music. And he prays that the angel will always watch over her.
"Carolina" is another country song of mine, sort of my response to "Ode to Billie Joe" by Bobbie Gentry. There really is an old Lystra Church; the rest of the song is fictional.
"And She Loved Me" is about my mother, who passed away in 2001. She was a very compassionate, nurturing person and I miss her very much. One of the moments I will always remember was when she tried to comfort me after I learned that my hero, George Reeves (who was Superman to me) had supposedly killed himself. And many years later, when one of my sisters called me to tell me that my mother was in the hospital and didn't have long to live, I tried to get to her bedside as fast as I could. But since she lived in Iowa City, Iowa and I lived in Cary, North Carolina, that trip took time. Although I was able to get a flight that same day and arrived at the hospital late in the evening, I was too late. And so I never got to say good-bye.
When I was a little boy, I liked to draw and one day I drew a picture of my mother as an angel. That is how she seemed to me at the time. I believe that she is with the angels now, and as the song says, she lives on within my heart.

"Kafka Love Song"
(That's the Way You Make Me Feel)
Music and lyrics by Richard C. Potter
Lead vocals: Richard Potter
Background vocals: Teresa Williams
Trumpet: Steve Baker
Drums: Chris Hollywood
Bass quitar: Derek Arnold
Rhythm guitar: Neal Chapman
Lead guitar, violins: John Custer
Produced by John Custer

© 2007, Richard C. Potter
As I look into your eyes tonight,
I can tell that everything's alright.
And I know you understand,
By the way you touch my hand.
I could fly across the sky tonight,
I could take whatever's wrong and make it right.
Even though it's all surreal,
That's the way you make me feel.
I had a dream, I'm there by the door.
I'm waiting for someone to let me in, but I don't know what for.
And as I watch, it begins to close....
And then the guard says, "This door has been meant for you.
"But why you have not gone through,
"No-one knows."
(instrumental interlude)
As I look into your eyes tonight,
I can tell that everything's alright.
And you've opened every door,
Down the endless corridor.
I could fly across the sky tonight,
I could take whatever's wrong and make it right.
Even though it's all surreal,
That's the way you make me feel.
Dedicated to Noel Neill, the Original Lois Lane
Music and lyrics by Richard C. Potter
Lead vocals: Richard Potter
Background vocals: Teresa Williams
Drums: Larry Woodard
Bass quitar, lead guitar, piano: Neal Chapman
Rhythm guitar, lead quitar: John Custer
Produced by John Custer

© 2007, Richard C. Potter
The first time I saw you, how can I explain?
You were tied to the railroad tracks of an oncoming train.
When just then this guy appeared in blue tights and a red cape.
I wasn't really sure who he was but he called you "Miss Lane."
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel.
Like millions of other boys I grew up watching you.
With a bath towel around my neck I often came to your rescue.
As the ancient queen of Zaharan you're always trapped in your tomb
But when you appear in that costume my dear, I exclaim, "Va va voom!"
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel.
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel.
For many years now folks have wondered why it wasn't transparent to you
That Clark Kent was really Superman. Were those glasses that hard to see through?
Well, I think you knew all the time but decided like Jack, John, and Bob:
With a secret like that, better keep it under your hat, and then you can keep your job.
A girl reporter's got to hustle, she's competing with all of the guys
But you might wonder just how fair that is when one of them's able to fly.
Although you had no super powers, you became the heroine who
Showed little girls all over the world, that they could grow up and be just like you.
Well I hope you've enjoyed my song. I hope I haven't been too crass.
And if I've offended you, I'm sure I'll hear from Carl Glass.
As you look back upon your life, there's so much to be proud of
I hope you know you made a difference and you feel the love...
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel.
About the lyrics:
"You were tied to the railroad tracks of an oncoming train."
Noel really is tied to the railroad tracks in "The Perils of Superman," one of the last episodes of the series. And of course, Superman swoops down just in time to free her. To be honest, I don't know if this was the first episode of the "Adventures of Superman" that I actually saw but it was too cool as an intro not to fib a little.
"With a bath towel around my neck I often came to your rescue."
This, on the other hand, really happened -- many times. I used to grab a long towel from the hallway closet, attach it around with my neck with one of my mother's large safety pins and fly around the house. (At least, in my imagination.)
"As the ancient queen of Zaharan you're always trapped in your tomb..."
In "The Tomb of Zaharan," Noel wears a very interesting costume which shows off her figure. As a little boy, I didn't really pay much attention to this, but as I grew a little older, one day I saw this episode in a rerun and suddenly became aware of just how beautiful Noel was.
"For many years now folks have wondered why it wasn't transparent to you that Clark Kent was Superman..."
I've read that when Noel went on the college circuit, she was often asked, "How come you guys never figured out that Clark Kent was Superman? Couldn't you see that they were the same guy?" To which Noel would reply, "Well yes, I knew it. But I didn't want to say anything because I wanted to keep my job." The first time I read that, I thought it was hilarious (and I still do). Forgive me, Ms. Neill, for stealing your line!
"Well, I think you knew all the time but decided like Jack, John, and Bob..."
Presumably, Noel was not the only one who wasn't fooled by those eye glasses! I assume that Jack (Jack Larson, who played Jimmy Olsen), John (John Hamilton, who portrayed Perry White) and Bob (Robert Shayne, who played Inspector Henderson) knew the secret too, but were too smart to let on!
"A girl reporter's got to hustle, she's competing with all of the guys. But you might wonder just how fair that is when one of them's able to fly."
One thing that always struck me was that Lois was constantly in competition with Clark, trying to beat him to the scoop. When you reflect that the guy she's competing against is super-powered and able to fly, you have to admit that it wasn't a very fair contest! To her credit, Lois did sometimes beat Clark to the byline, fair and square. Way to go, Lois!
"You became the heroine who showed little girls all over the world that they could grow up and be just like you."
The character of Lois Lane is one of the very few (if not the only) working women on television in the 1950's. This was pretty remarkable since almost all other female characters on TV at that time were either housewives or caricatures (or both). Yet Lois Lane showed that a woman could be a professional and hold her own in a man's world. I have met several women (including my wife) who acknowledge that Noel's portrayal of Lois Lane was an inspiration to them and opened their eyes to the possibilities.
"And if I've offended you, I'm sure I'll hear from Carl Glass."
This is an inside joke. My friend, Carl Glass, is quite possibly Noel Neill's biggest fan (and one heck of a nice guy). He is also the proprietor of the wonderful website, Glass House Presents , which honors George Reeves the man as well as the actor. There are also wonderful articles about Noel Neill, Jack Larson, John Hamilton, Robert Shayne and all the other actors and writers who made the "Adventures of Superman" so magical. I highly recommend it!
"I hope you know you made a difference and you feel the love..."
Noel, you really did make a positive difference in this world. You are deeply loved by your fans. I truly hope you can feel it.
"Love Is Blind"
Music and lyrics by Richard C. Potter
Lead vocals: Richard Potter
Background vocals: John Custer
Drums, bass quitar, rhythm guitar, lead guitar: John Custer
Produced by John Custer

© 2007, Richard C. Potter
I know, I know, Love is blind.
I know, I know, Love is blind.
Well, there you go now darlin, looks like you broke my heart.
I should have known I couldn't trust you from the start.
I hate to say it baby, but you're like a crutch.
I only wish I didn't need you so damn much.
I know, I know, Love is blind.
I know, I know, Love is blind.
When I first met you darlin, you played around.
Gave you my heart and then you dragged it on the ground.
Thought I could change you lover, I believed I would
Get you to treat me in the way you know you should.
But I know, I know, Love is blind.
I know, I know, Love is blind.
I know, I know, Oh my oh my,
I know, I know, Love is blind.
And when you said you loved me, sugar, you thought I couldn't see
That what you really meant was that you sure loved using me.
If you were only half as clever as you are unkind
Then you'd realize that I'm not the only one who's blind.
Well now I'm leavin darlin, I'm out that door.
This time I swear I won't be coming back for more.
I know some other poor fool will take my place,
As far as you're concerned, he's just another face.
But I know, I know, Love is blind.
I know, I know, Love is blind.
"Oh, George"
Music and lyrics by Richard C. Potter
Lead vocals: Richard Potter
Background vocals: John Custer
Drums, bass quitar, rhythm guitar, lead guitar: John Custer
Produced by John Custer

© 2006, Richard C. Potter
Intro: (spoken) “In the endless reaches of the universe,
there once existed a planet known as Krypton,
a planet that burned like a green star in the distant heavens…”
“…The police have warned everyone to remain in their homes...”
“…This looks like a job for Superman...”
“…Take heed – this is your last warning…”
“...This is your last warning…”
“...This is your last warning.”
“…Up in the sky – look, it's a bird, it's a plane.
It's – “
George, how could you do it?
Didn't you know I always looked up to you?
Oh, George, how could you do it?
Didn't you know you'd break my heart right in two?
For little boys need their guns, their bows and arrows.
They need their mothers and their fathers and their heroes.
Now I heard it said, “The hero never dies.”
But I guess that we both know, that was a lie.
Oh, George, in order to see you,
I used to run home every day after school.,
For you represented everything I admired.,
And I was the opposite, the loser, the fool.,
And that's why I'm sure you just can't imagine my disappointment.
I turned you on, and yet, you failed to keep our appointment.
Instead, on the screen were the gun and the booze.
And then that man came on to tell me
… (spoken) “This is the news. Superman kills himself. Details at 6 o'clock.”
Take me in your arms and fly me,
Fly me through the sky.
In my head I know it's not for real
But I don't mind.
‘Cause even though you're up on wires,
You still look great to me.
And in my heart I know that you're
As real as real can be.
You know you're welcome to drop in anytime.
Oh, George, you know, sometimes the hardest thing
Is knowing what else to cling to without feeling bereft.
Well, if I could I'd like to, I would like to remember you,
Just as you were the day before you left.
‘Cause then you're going to the storeroom.
And Lois wonders why,
You're taking off your glasses
And loosening your tie.
Well we both know you've got to,
Yes we both know you've got to,
Yes we both know you've got to
-- Fly!
"Silver and Blue"
Music and lyrics by Richard C. Potter
© 2007, Richard C. Potter

Silver and Blue,
The snow falls for you.
All along the lane and
The fields of solitude.
Silver and Blue,
The stars shine for you,
And in your darkest hour they
Light the way for you.
The time has come for me my dear,
The time has come to leave.
And yet an angel shall appear,
If you will only believe.
Then with music he would fill your heart
And touch your mortal soul.
And with this gift you could play your part
To make this torn world whole.
Silver and Blue,
Are the colors I leave with you.
May they always remain in your heart,
And may the angel always be with you.
Music and lyrics by Richard C. Potter
© 2007, Richard C. Potter
No matter where I roam, I never feel at home.
There's 'somethin 'missin that I can't explain.
And everyone I meet makes me feel so incomplete.
My sanity goes slowly down the drain.
Carolina, Carolina, The 'steppin stone was slippery in the rain.
Carolina, Carolina, I swear I told her not to play that game.
Now when I lay my head down upon my park bench bed
I rarely get to sleep 'till half past three.
That was about the time that the old Lystra church bell chimed
And the last time that I heard her call to me.
Carolina, Carolina, If it was his or mine it's all the same.
Carolina, Carolina, They said you only had yourself to blame.
Well, I drove into town one night and I stopped outside the bar.
I thought I smelled her perfume and I recognized her car.
Well, I looked in and there she was in the lap of another man.
The way she'd made me feel, I guess it died, right there and then.
Now if perchance I dream then I'm back there by that stream.
And we're walking hand in hand along the bank.
The next thing that I know, I feel her letting go
I watched her in slow motion as she sank.
Carolina, Carolina, Your restless heart was more than I could tame.
Carolina, Carolina, I wonder if she heard me call her name?
Carolina, Carolina, The 'steppin stone was slippery in the rain.
Carolina, Carolina, I wonder if ... she heard me ... call her name?
And She Loved me
Music and lyrics by Richard C. Potter
© 2007, Richard C. Potter
When I was a little boy,
I was always running scared
I just knew them monsters was after me.
But my mother took me into her arms
And helped me see,
It was all in my imagination.
And she loved me,
Ooh, she loved me,
And she held me, she caressed my fevered brow.
And she loved me,
Ooh, she loved me.
If not for her who knows where I would be right now?
Then one day my hero died,
The papers said that it was suicide.
I could not believe George Reeves gone.
But my mother took me into her arms
And tried to help me see,
Regardless of your sadness, life goes on.
And she loved me,
Ooh, she loved me,
And she held me, she caressed my fevered brow.
And she loved me,
Ooh, she loved me.
If not for her who knows where I would be right now?
I grew up, we grew apart,
And then I left her all alone.
There was so much to do, and I couldn't wait.
But when I learned that she lay dying,
I rushed to be back by her side,
By the time that I got there, I was too late.
But chasing after money and success
Led me nowhere near to happiness.
And that old empty feeling grew stronger each day.
And when I stared into the void,
I heard it calling, beckoning me.
I said to George, "I think now I understand."
But then I felt those loving arms
And someone whispered in my ear,
"When you cross the street, be sure that you take my hand."
When I was a little boy,
I drew an angel with feathery wings
I told my mother, "This is who you are."
That is how I saw her then,
And that is how I feel her now,
Not really gone, she lives on within my heart.
And she loved me,
Ooh, she loved me,
And she held me, she caressed my fevered brow.
And she loved me,
Ooh, she loved me.
If not for her who knows where I would be right now?

My Interests


Member Since: 7/24/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:
Richard Potter
Influences: The Beatles
The Beach Boys
The Bee Gees
The Moody Blues
The Rolling Stones
The Turtles
The Byrds
The Mamas and the Papas
Joni Mitchell
Carole King
Stevie Wonder
Lionel Richie
Neil Diamond
Bob Dylan
Simon and Garfunkel
Roy Orbison
Buddy Holly
Billy Joel
Garth Brooks
Dolly Parton
Dusty Springfield
Sounds Like: "Love Is Blind" is heavily influenced by Buddy Holly.

"Oh, George" has influences from the Beach Boys, Roy Orbison, and the Moody Blues.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None