Andreas profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Only Those risking to go far - will know how far they can go!!!!This qoute says it all... How will we know if we dont give it a try.Im a person who fight to reach my goals in life. I dont wanna sit in ten years from now - being bitter about all the stuff I never tried :-)Thats also the reason why I packed my bags 2 year ago and left Denmark to move to Miami. Im educated as a physiotherapist - but was tired of the same rutine day in and day out. Out of the blue came a chance of a job in the states....and "You miss 100% of the shots you dont take" (Michael Jordan) off I was...THE BEST VIEW IN MIAMI :-)

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My Interests

Beachvolley is a big part of my life. Played all over the world and been very lucky to experience the world.

I'd like to meet:

For me - positive energy is everything. I love being around people who has a positive approach to life. People who have goals and dreams in life... People who has that selfstarter instinct - to follow they dreams and not just sit in the sofa and talk about all they stuff they would have, could have and should have done....


Rudy, Shawshank Redemption, Cast Away, Forrest Gump and Shrek :-)




Michael Jordan,Anthony Robbins and MY DAD

My Blog

Live Life - take risks

Everybody is Searching.... Everybody is Looking.... Everybody is Dreaming... Searching, looking and dreaming about finding those pieces that make our Life-puzzle complete and make us happy. The pieces...
Posted by Andreas on Fri, 18 May 2007 07:58:00 PST