Eventually everyone falls in life at some point, but it's only failure when you quit to get up...
Weekly Health Tip:
Eat ProperlyEat fruits and veggies, avoid too much sugar and fat.
Eating less isn't the only way to drop a few pounds!If you eat the right foods, you can actually eat more and weigh less. Skip high-calorie, sugary foods that are quickly eaten and digested, and make you hungry again sooner. Rather, opt for high-fiber, low-calorie foods that take more time to eat and make you feel full longer.Here are some more good suggestions:
Eat some fat, but make it healthful fat, like omega 3s.
Eat moderate amounts of complex carbohydrates.
Include fruit and vegetables in every meal.
Don't completely deprive yourself; eat treats in small amounts.
Focus on long-term goals.On the other hand, here are eating habits that can be counter productive:
Focusing only on calories.
Trying to eliminate fat from your diet.
Cutting back too far on carbohydrates.
Swearing off certain foods.*****
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