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MY YAHOO AND AIM IS dabreebreejosh R.I.P. Billy Beckham Dec. 30, 1990-- Dec. 2, 2007
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Get your own ThisCrush.com CrushTag!Hi my name is Joshua Buchanan and I am a bodybuilder. Ever since I started bodybuilding I fell in love with its ability take me into an emotional state of well-being. Being just a young child seeing my biggest influence in lifting, my father, it would drive me into lifting weights and being strong myself. He is the one who taught me how to lift and that I should be strong. Also as a young child I was very fascinated about looking at pro bodybuilders in magazines and videos. I thought to myself that that be the coolest feeling ever to be as big as they were. One day I will become like them.I started bodybuilding at age 14 of the summer 2005. I soon spent more time in the gym and focusing on putting on some muscle. I would tend to get much stronger, but it was harder for me to gain some size. I was always a small figure, but still very strong and more dedicated than ever. Whatever I put my mind to will be achieved!As months went by I learned more about how to lift and get the best out of my lifts. I also was learning the key to being healthier and being a smarter eater. I knew that if I stayed very strict with my diet all of my life I would keep getting stronger no matter what. So I stayed as strict as possible and still do and always will.I am now 17 years of age and I am getting bigger, stronger, and more vascular than I ever have been. I have learned so much more about bodybuilding. I have become so obsessed with the sport and I do anything to get my days worth of lifting. I spend the time, take the effort, and push through as hard and intense as I can to get the job done. Nothing gets in my way. I sacrifice so much. More than the majority would sacrifice. I sacrifice friends, family, relationships, social life, and just being able to be around people. Bodybuilding has become such a lonely life for me. Yet I still keep lifting more intense than ever because I know I can’t give up and I know what great rewards lie ahead of me and I know where I am going.After feeling so run down and depressed about being so lonely I began to ask myself questions. “Where is this really going”? “Is all of this really worth all of the sacrifices”? “Is there a reason for this”? In fact, there is a wonderful reason for this and every bit of the hard work is worth it because just about four months ago I was offered to be interviewed in a fitness magazine. The magazine is called Real gainz magazine. I see that my future is beginning. All of my questions were answered immediately and everything was being put in correct order. No more confusion. I thought at about age 20 or so I would get in a few competitions and get noticed, but I was never to think that this whole thing would be beginning this early at age 16! If you have a dream don’t stop until satisfaction comes along and it will.Bodybuilding is such a great sport for me and I love every bit of it and I always will. I am so thankful how far I have gotten and how much further I will go. I have come such a long way, but there are so many more steps to take and I will always be willing to take them because if I don’t take the steps now, then I never will. For me there is no such thing, as easy living and I don’t want there to be, because anything that comes easy with lack of work has no benefits. I want results, benefits, and happiness and I won’t stop until I get it. Bodybuilding truly is the magic elixir that ensnares my soul. Thank you Tammy Renee for this great opportunity!Outside of bodybuilding I love music and at times I love to go to see metal shows with friends when I’m not training. I love plying guitar, drums, singing, and writing music. I dream to be in a band and jam away up on stage in front of many fans. When watching music I just love it and enjoy it to death. Music is a great part of my life! I couldn’t live without it!The first thing in my life Is Jesus Christ! I know ive done many many wrong things, but God has love and forgiveness for the sins I have committed. Jesus Christ was sent down from the Heavens as man to live the life as a human. He is the only one who has never sinned! And praise God that he died on the cross for your sins and mine! This is how much He loved us. He was innocent yet he suffered for our mistakes, for our sins. If you have never thought about this or cared about this and you want to make a change in your life and your heart then Just ask Jesus Christ to come into your life and build on your life and make a reason and purpose out of your life for Him. Ask for the forgiveness of your sins and believe that Christ died and rose again on the third day to be alive forever. And thank Him for what he has done and that you may die one day and be with the Lord in Heaven for eternity..%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A Take the quiz:
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%D%A%D%A%Dn awesome bass and drummer that wants to play heavy metal such as lamb of god, killswitch engage, job for a cowboy, shadows fall, children of bodom, etc.%D%A%D%A%D%A%Dn amazing girl that would do anything for me.THE OLYMPIANS!


http://www.glitter-graphics.com/graphics/7076 August Burns Red
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The bible is the most imprtant message ever!!Everything in it is true.The message in the bible is the message from God!!


Jesus is my hero because he has always loved me and will never stop loving me no matter what! Jesus died on the cross for my sins and for everyone elses. Jesus is always there even if you don't notice. He has promised that he will never leave nor forsake you. Jesus is always there. You just have to get to know him and ask him to come into your life. If you truly seek him you will find him.Trust and praise the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart!!!Hurray for Jesus Christ was born and He will always rain his love on you!!!!..