little dave profile picture

little dave

save a daycare, punch a baby.

About Me

i work alot at a job i dont really like. i drive a not so nice car. i dont really do a whole lot. i hang out at dennys sometimes till really late drinking too much coffee and smoking too much. i still watch cartoons while eating cereal in my pj's. i have a very sarcastic, sometimes assholish sence of humor which you may not like. but im not worried about you liking me. i play music often. my cat hates me. i live with my mom. i like watching lots of movies and talking about them. i laugh alot at things i probably shouldnt. i sit on the computer too much. i cant really think of anything else you would want to know about me. ask me. ill lie about something.



i use

and soon i will be using

My Interests

I'd like to meet:



playlist as of lately:
against me! - americans abroad
converge - no heroes
brand new - the devil and god are raging...
mastodon - blood mountain
the faceless - akeldama
incubus - light grenades
hot water music - caution
propagandhi - todays empires tomorrows ashes
foo fighters - skin and bones
+44 - s/t
saves the day - pretty much everything
alk3 - from here to infirmary
the dillinger escape plan - plagairism
my chemical romance - the black parade
panic at the disco- a fever you cant sweat out
new found glory - coming home
the vandals - live fast, diarreha
the loved ones - keep your heart
foo fighters - in your honor
propagandhi - potemkin city limits
against me! - pretty much everything they have
bayside - s/t
an oldies comp i made


the favs:
goodfellas, the big lebowski, super troopers, sin city, snatch, pulp fiction, airheads, waiting, fight club, groundhog day, big fish, kiss kiss bang bang, shaun of the dead, the back to the future trilogy, terminator 2, dazed and confused, signs, donnie darko and whatever else is sitting on my shelf.


the simpsons, athf, family guy, seinfeld, king of queens, everybody loves raymond, futurama, metalocalypse, the venture bros., fosters home for imaginary friends, pretty much anything on comedy central and the weather channel.


ive only fully read three books that i didnt have to: micheal crichton's "the lost world" when i was in like 10th grade, and steven kings "desparation" which took me about a year to read cause i forgot about it. i also read his "dreamcatcher" which is by far better than the movie. that movie blew ass. i started to read "If chins could kill, confessions of a B movie actor" which is the bruce campbell biography. it was good but i have a.d.d. so i forgot to finish it. ive been thinking about picking it back up since i have a bit more free time now. maybe i will... oh and the zombie survival guide is amazing. everyone should read it so they know what to do when the zombies finally come. im prepared. are you?


Matthew Skeenz. for this reason...

My Blog

mr. cash

from the backdoor of your life, you swept me out. in the breadline of your dreams i lost my place. at the table of your love i got to brush off. at the indianapolis of your heart i lost the race. ive...
Posted by magilla gorilla on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 11:17:00 PST


because i need you more than you need me because i want you more, i know because we move too fucking fast i think i really had to wish to make this last, i know i'm sorry please forgive me, believe...
Posted by magilla gorilla on Thu, 05 Jan 2006 10:30:00 PST

expand both your lungs and begin with some new oxygen

so lately ive come to that point in my life where it rains shit on me.for no reason. and not just little things to bum me out. its rediculous shit thats gotten me completely depressed. and having the ...
Posted by magilla gorilla on Fri, 23 Dec 2005 02:24:00 PST

in case you dont read my live journal...

life has been amazing. in the past 5 weeks i have been: heartbroken, pulled over, robbed, and now tonight as im coming home some fucking stupid ass kid decided to be sweet and rear end me as im getti...
Posted by magilla gorilla on Wed, 21 Dec 2005 01:19:00 PST

fucking finally!

shit yea. my nigga Joel was the one to get me what ive been wanting since my birthday. freaking aqua teen. thanks nigga! 
Posted by magilla gorilla on Fri, 16 Dec 2005 10:10:00 PST

read up.

live journal...
Posted by magilla gorilla on Wed, 14 Dec 2005 02:24:00 PST

also, lets not forget

my birthday is thursday. and now i have no one to get me this. it comes out on the 5th i believe. i know its after my birthday but i would still love it. so if you want to cheer me up, this is the w...
Posted by magilla gorilla on Tue, 29 Nov 2005 10:23:00 PST

so this is goodbye...

i've failed again. back to the old drawing board. eventually...
Posted by magilla gorilla on Tue, 29 Nov 2005 09:44:00 PST

im a good actor.

i just want to smile and not have to fake it.
Posted by magilla gorilla on Tue, 22 Nov 2005 09:10:00 PST

hey dave, stop whining.

i felt for sure last night that once we said goodbye no one else will know these lonely dreams. no one else will know that part of me. im still driving away.and im sorry everyday. i wont always love ...
Posted by magilla gorilla on Mon, 14 Nov 2005 10:46:00 PST