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Nicolette Nightingale

I am here for Networking

About Me

Who is Nicolette Nightingale?
"“The phoenix hope, can wing her way through the desert skies, and still defying fortune's spite; revive from ashes and rise.”

Since the age of understanding what a camera did for her, Nicolette has been prancing in front of the camera, striking poses, singing, and performing for whomever would watch.
Nicolette grew up in a strict catholic environment--no radio unless it was christian radio---and the tv was heavily monitored back before the days of parental settings. She grew up around the midwest, moving from city to city as an Air Force brat. She was very heavily involved in gymnastics, pursuing her hopes and dreams of being an olympian.
And then over the next consecutive years, life turned in ways as life does. First, she broke her leg, cutting off any dream of gymnastics that she ever had. Socially, life was simple until the age of puberty. Then she realized how sheltered her life was and then the approval of her peers became important. Around those pre-teen years, Nicolette went through and interesting stage of being the ugly duckling--buck teeth, braces, and frizzy hair. She had no idea what was on MTV or on the radio. The perfect prospect to be picked on: she was constantly made fun of.
To top it off--her parents went through a nasty divorce where the school she attended shunned the entire family and Nicolette ended up in foster care for a short period-she learned an innate sense of fashion around this time---she went from coming from a family that was comfortable to shopping at thrift stores and going through hand-me-downs. She later returned to live with her Mother and Brother.
When the family moved to Tualatin, OR, Nicolette then smoothed over the high school years being active in dance, yearbook and anything else that was social. She never wanted to belong to any one certain group--remaining in an identity all her own---trying to learn as much from anyone that crossed her path.
She fell in love with her High School sweetheart and moved to Denver Colorado--and as her love's interest grew as being a Pilot in the Air Force, knowing that she didn't want to live that life again, Nicolette's interest grew into the entertainment industry. She landed her first job--a six page spread in (the now non-existent) EAS' Energy Magazine and decided she wanted to pursue her modeling career further. On a whim, she broke off her relationship in pursuit of grandeur dreams in California. Thinking San Diego was pretty close to Los Angeles, and her mother had just moved there, she moved via train to the west coast with all her belongings packed into a few moving boxes.
In the hustle and bustle of the California market, she went to cosmetology school for a career as an Esthetician and Hair Stylist. Taking a few modeling leads here and there, she worked full time and she also went to school full time trying to obtain an associates in business. But then one day, while doing a fashion show, Nicolette's friend handed her a microphone for a video he was shooting for the line that was featured that night. The videographer gave the advice to pursue her career much further. Nicolette knew that a modeling career wouldn't sustain her, but then after that advice, she dove into whatever came her way entertainment wise. Although cosmetology was not even being practiced, the beauty knowledge bolstered her fashion sense. Putting college and that on the back burner, Nicolette kept pushing in the San Diego Nightlife industry as a model and door after door after door kept opening.
Always insisting that things would unfold as they were meant to, and often accused of being crazy and taking chances others might scoff at, she has established herself as a local model celebrity. She's just signed a contract with her manager in recent months and now is establishing her role in mainstream media as a model, actor, host, and dancer.
As far as personally, she's been through relationships and in order to grow into her own identity, she is still single but avidly dating amidst downtown San Diego. Always living on a philanthropist life philosophy with friends, family and strangers --- life's been good to her despite the obstacles.
Check out:
Nico's Elite
"I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that Way." --Jessica Rabbit
Whatever that 'it' factor is, I know I have it, but I can't define it, and it's confusing.
Don't flatter yourself that friendship authorizes you to say disagreeable things to your intimates. The nearer you come into relation with a person, the more necessary do tact and courtesy become. Except in cases of necessity, which are rare, leave your friend to learn unpleasant things from his enemies; they are ready enough to tell them.
Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809 - 1894), The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table, 1858
A few things first:
1. Believe everything you hear and nothing of what is possible with people's character. It makes for interesting conversations.
2. Have double standards because you'll feel better about yourself.
3. Surround yourself with fake friends-because then you are the person everyone wants to know.
4. Waiver on your beliefs on a person by person basis---because then you'll get everything your subconscious wants without having to admit anything to yourself.
5. When all else fails and you see that you are just as much as a chump as the rest----get back to the basics of living.
Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo.
H. G. Wells (1866 - 1946)
If you want the old "About me Section"
I created my layout at

My Interests

My website! Click below!

Chloe and I are working on SOOO much.
Wait until you see this:'s November
Starlet of the Month

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Wanna message me?
AIM = NicoNightingale

I'd like to meet:

If you're looking for Booking, Contact:
[email protected]

I've met "them"
BUT Also . . .
People who understand that I express my emotions through poetry and not much else.

People who can understand that octaves and ranges of
emotional expression sometimes leave out essential feeling that may only
be described in a mash up of words, and although it MAY not make sense to YOU,
somehow it is A form of communication.

People who write poetry.

People who love to read poetry.



Guest Host on:

Wednesday's from 4:00-5:00 PM


Vote for me at these two places:


I will be in the Bikini Contest!
I will be in this show too:
I will be in this show:


There’s a cold in the morning, endless equation
Of who’ve we become, it’s a complex situation
So live, love, laugh give love
Live, love, laugh give love
Live, love, laugh give love
Cuz who are we anyway
So don’t rain on my parade
Life’s to short to waste one day
I’m gonna risk it all
The freedom to fall
Yes its sure looks good to me!"
----Alicia Keys
"Poor is the man
who's pleasures depend
on the permission of another."
"If there is no struggle
there is no progress.
Those who profess to favor freedom
and yet depreciate agitation
want crops without
plowing up the ground
they want rain
without thunder and lightening
They want the ocean
without the awful roar
of its many waters.
Power concedes nothing
without a demand.
It never did
and it never will."
Frederick Douglass, 1857



morning smiles
like the face of a newborn child
innocent unknowing
winter's end
promises of a long lost friend
speaks to me of comfort

but i fear
i have nothing to give
i have so much to lose here in this lonely place
tangled up in your embrace
there's nothing i'd like better than to fall
but i fear
i have nothing to give

wind in time
rapes the flower trembling on the vine
and nothing leads to shelter it
from above
they say temptation will destroy our love
the never ending hunger

but i fear
i have nothing to give
i have so much to lose here in this lonely place
tangled up in our embrace
there's nothing i'd like better than to fall
but i fear
i have nothing to give
i have so much to lose
i have nothing to give
we have so much to lose



FALL 2007


Jane Austen


Dorian Leigh


My Blog

At 212 degrees, water is hot . . . (bulletin)

The difference between this year for me, and last year, is that extra degree.Cutting off people who didn't believe in me, or who were attempting to weigh me down, trying to make me believe t...
Posted by Nicolette Nightingale on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 08:11:00 PST

Try this.

1. You are walking in the woods. You are not alone. Who is with you?Adia2. You are walking in the woods. You see an animal. What kind of animal?Moose3. What interaction takes place between you and the...
Posted by Nicolette Nightingale on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 06:50:00 PST

Hustler Spirit.

This is a public service announcementSponsored by Just Blaze and the good folks at Roc-A-Fella Records"Fellow Americans, it is with the utmost pride and sinceritythat I present this recordin...
Posted by Nicolette Nightingale on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 07:32:00 PST


If I could taste the significance of whatever is described in your kissI could say that everything I've experiencedIs beyond the troubles of what I missedIn the evidential proposals ofUnreas...
Posted by Nicolette Nightingale on Wed, 28 May 2008 10:49:00 PST

Pride and Prejudice

Jane Austen is a favorite writer of mine for so many other reasons than just her writing. You can tell through each of her pieces that she was truly passionate about each subject and tried to convey ...
Posted by Nicolette Nightingale on Mon, 26 May 2008 07:42:00 PST


Out of control I devised a plan to annulthe moments of interaction that were deeply seeded in my soulFrank words of muchAn undisclosed amount of loveI battered the outer part of what I so much saidI b...
Posted by Nicolette Nightingale on Tue, 20 May 2008 03:08:00 PST

Heres to those.

Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an ...
Posted by Nicolette Nightingale on Mon, 19 May 2008 12:39:00 PST


Sometimes I fight the knife of securities so deepto translate to music would only defeat the needof kneading and pushing and pulling and prayingthat another person is not worth my own hearts slayingI ...
Posted by Nicolette Nightingale on Sun, 18 May 2008 02:28:00 PST


Sometimes I fight the knife of securities so deepto translate to music would only defeat the needof kneading and pushing and pulling and prayingthat another person is not worth my own hearts slayingI ...
Posted by Nicolette Nightingale on Sun, 18 May 2008 02:28:00 PST

Be all that you can be.

I've always traveled along side of the "popular" but sitting with the "not-so-much." I liked not being in the "In crowd" but being able to sit with them and listen and share what I thought.I...
Posted by Nicolette Nightingale on Mon, 05 May 2008 10:49:00 PST