FloydaLicious™ | vAst Productions profile picture

FloydaLicious™ | vAst Productions

oH yOu DiDnt kNow??.. iM fAmOus...

About Me

Hi i'm Floyd! Cool laid back guy. The kind of person every1 wants around, at least I think so! LOL! Im dorky sometimes, Actually dorky all the time!! =) I have a lot of hobbies and interests, like playing guitar, dancing, chillin in the living room with my favorite boys, everything. I love and crave the Nightlife. I have a problem of going out like 4 times a week..... eck right?! LOL... I just like having a good time... =D I want to be a bartender, restaurant owner, start my own clothing line (which is in the works), and start a coffee shop in downtown San Diego just because its the hottest city in the west coast now. I've always had a mind for business..... but trying to put it all together? Thats where I start to have problems... hehehe..... I love the sounds of the nightlife. I love silence. I love to party. I currently own and run a promotions company in San Diego, vAst productions,,. Its been soooo much fun, i've met so many cool people, and have made soo many cool friends. We have some events lined up already for this year, so keep an ear out! I love a good book. I love reading the encyclopedia and learning about everything. I'm honest. I'm a nice person. I'm sarcastic. I have a weird sense of humor. I type somewhat fast. Sometimes I talk too much, or I dont say enough. I'm picky about who gets in. I'm picky about who I spend my time with. I love to laugh, especially at myself. Im never EVER on time. Sometimes I'm too blunt and unintentionally offensive, but I dont mean to be and will tell you I'm sorry if I actually am. I say dumb things sometimes and think its funny. I'm a people person. I've come a long way. I try to do the best thing for myself, but to still help others. I hate people with ulterior motives. I'm sometimes sensitive and dont know it. I get hurt too easily but pretend not to be. I will always be there for somebody who needs me. I am a good listener. I am a good friend. "I want to be your favorite hello, and your hardest goodbye ???" I am curious about other people and sometimes forget that not everyone is as open about themselves. I have always had a good life and great friends and a good family. I over analyze everything. I overreact about too many things. I go out of my way to be kind to people who are honest, good, and genuine. I kick ass when I have to. I'm my biggest critic. I am also my best audience. I make a lot of mistakes. I am lovable, I know that. I second-guess myself often, but I will I always stand up for what I believe in. I dont have to agree with somebody else's opinion in order to get along with them. I'm ridiculously stubborn. I love fully. I give up on things to avoid the pain of failing twice. I have some patience. I don't hold a grudge. I simply ignore what I cannot deal with. I try my best not to judge anyone. I'm flawed. I am proud of who I am. I'm intelligent enough to know that I will never be intelligent enough. I love God. I like myself. I also like great people. I love to day dream about the perfect one. I wish I was more ambitious and I wish I was capable of writing very short, to-the-point paragraphs, instead of being compelled to always go into detail about everything and wind up writing these novels nobody ever actually finishes because they lose interest at about the third sentence. =) ... Car enthusiest, Sushi fanatic, I'm always dressed to impress. At least I try too!! LOL!!!! Music is my life. I was a music major @ Fresno State University. Now i'm a Bussines and Accounting/Finance major living in San Diego. I played in a rock band for about 6 years. Now i Dj for a hobby, I spin hiphop....not into the underground. Recently i've become a huge househead.... Love that hard house beat! its sick!!! Yea a total change. Still have respect for all types of music. Pick up the quitar once in awhile....and still play the drumz. Love cool pple. Hate snobs, stuck upz, jerkz and the i think im better than you A-Holez. Luv ppl with great personalities.LOVEMYFLASH CODE

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Just some hella cool down to earth people work the best. And dorkz!!! Luv them! Sigh..... As far as girl types? I'm sort of into the "Girl next door" types. Sweet innocent girls always get my attention. I think thats why I have a huge crush on Jennifer Love Hewitt!



The strongest man I know... Physically and Mentally... MY DAD

My Blog

I guess you can say im lucky!

So... most of you know what happened the night after i got back from Hawaii.... omg!... it was the worst night EVER!! So anyway, i get a letter from the DMV, stating I get to have my license back... i...
Posted by FloydaLicious™ | vAst Productions on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 11:46:00 PST

My Father.....

  Its funny how you see your father as a very strong, impenetrable figure.... someone who was always taller than you growing up, stronger than anyone you knew.... almost superhero-like..... but ...
Posted by FloydaLicious™ | vAst Productions on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 12:30:00 PST

Shit Talkers

FUCK YOU!!Who the fuck do you think you are?!  I dress the way I do, talk the way I do, fix my hair the way I do, and do things the way I do because thats who I am..... Dont fuckin hate on me be...
Posted by FloydaLicious™ | vAst Productions on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 03:07:00 PST


wOw!!  Last night was awesome!!... I had a lot of firsts of 2007 last night.... First Grey Goose n Tonic.... First Effen Black n Tonic... New Years toast with a glass of Veuve Clicquot ...  ...
Posted by FloydaLicious™ | vAst Productions on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 06:38:00 PST

shit sucks....

Insomnia [in-som-nee-uh]nouninability to obtain sufficient sleep, esp. when chronic; difficulty in falling or staying asleep; sleeplessness.*I cant get rid of it.. going to bed around 4am blows.. li...
Posted by FloydaLicious™ | vAst Productions on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 03:20:00 PST

life update.......

sooooo......... life as of April 23rd is pretty good!...... I have 2 really cool roomates living in a pretty tight 2 story townhome..... both of their names are Paul..... pretty weird huh..... its coo...
Posted by FloydaLicious™ | vAst Productions on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 01:49:00 PST

a whole lotta....... for Carlotta

I kissed her!!  Yes I did!!  Planted it....... It was perfect!!  We were cuddling, holding hands, flirting........*sigh..... I don't want to get into detail..... but yeah....... Pretty ...
Posted by FloydaLicious™ | vAst Productions on Sat, 14 Jan 2006 03:11:00 PST

I hate the Laffy Taffy song!!

But who cares!!!!  Why?  Because JENNY LIKES MEEH!!! Wooooo freakin hoooooo!!!!!  So we were on the phone for like 4 hours!!  She asked me what I thought about her...... so I told...
Posted by FloydaLicious™ | vAst Productions on Tue, 10 Jan 2006 10:50:00 PST


Your heart says many things&.. At the same time, your mind says just as much&.. Whether they agree with each other or not&. The end result is entirely up to you&.. Feelings for a certain person can tr...
Posted by FloydaLicious™ | vAst Productions on Thu, 08 Dec 2005 02:57:00 PST

I wrote this to Melyssa one night....

Love is such a strong emotion.. it leads you to do things you never ever thought possible&. Which is why I admire you& Love is shared& when someone is in love, they share happiness with friends a...
Posted by FloydaLicious™ | vAst Productions on Thu, 01 Sep 2005 02:12:00 PST