Visit the Official rob! - MySpace Page
Hello San Diego. First let me introduce name is rob!â„¢ and I am the President of DYSMD.eMAGAZINE. The reason I started this eZine is becuase I felt that San Diego had so much to offer but no main resource that would deliver its voice through one internet portal. For that reason I feel its my duty and privelage to give you all this service...
I also have a vision for San Diego's nightlife and with all that our nightlife has to offer I feel that my talent can bring it all together. That is why I make it my everyday effort to "bring San Diego together". Our nightlife is young and just as a teenager searches for his or her identity...our nightlife searches just as well. I am comitted to creating that identity so that we as a community can be proud of our combined efforts.
I thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts and I hope that you can share the same vision as I. Please pass along my MySpace profile so that others may hear and perhaps be inspired to do the same.
Thank you,
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Mark Sanchez | Quarter back USC #6
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