Cromate Recordings Label Manager
Daniele Tessa, dj, producer,remixer and label manager took his first steps towards
electronic music thanks to the vinyls his brother used to buy. That's
when he fell in love with the sounds produced by artists such as
Kraftwerk and Klaus Schulze. Together with his friend and business
partner Andrea Calveri, he began putting down the bases for the first
tracks mixing electronic sounds in rhythm with techno, minimal and
funky beats, always creating something innovative and of their very
own. As he grew up, his attention turned to turntables and mixers
giving him the perfect outlet for all his enery and ecclectic style.
At 17, his project signed Tessa'n'Calveri is found and hits all the
major Roman events. At the moment, he's part of the LKF project with
his friend Silvio Isola, in which he looks, modulates and executes
original sounds. He and Andrea Calveri are the owners of the Cromate
Recordings label which promotes artists such as Joseph Capriati,
Alessio Mereu, Abnormal Boyz,Pablo Rez,Sasha Carassi,Tony
Matt,Phutura,Miguel Tutera, and many more...
Daniele Tessa dj,producer,remixer & manager di un'etichetta si avvicina alla musica elettronica grazie
ai vinili acquistati dal fratello maggiore, da li si innamora dei suoni di
artisti come Kraftwerk e Klaus Schulze.Insieme al suo socio ed amico Andrea
Calveri comincia a gettare le basi per le prime traccie miscelando suoni
elettronici a ritmiche techno,minimali & funky,creando sempre qualcosa di
proprio e di innovativo.Andando avanti con l'età si avvicina anche a dei
piatti e un mixer dando sfogo a tutta la sua energia e il suo stile
ecclettico.A 17 anni esce gia' il primo progetto targato Tessa'nCalveri e
prende parte a vari eventi capitolini.Attualmente fa parte del progetto LKF assieme al suo amico Silvio Isola,dove ricerca,modula ed esegue suoni molto ricercati.
Assieme al suo socio Andrea Calveri e' propietario della label Cromate Recordings che tra i label artists spiccano i nomi di Joseph Capriati,Alessio mereu,Abnormal Boyz,Pablo Rez,Sasha Carassi,Tony Matt,Phutura,Miguel Tutera,ect...
Daniele Tessa is : Tessa'nCalveri,L.k.F.
For booking request contact Cromate Recordings Booking.
[ [email protected] ]
Tessa'nCalveri - Russian
(Inc. Joseph Capriati rmx,Carassi & Matt rmx,Phutura rmx)
[12" & Digital Release]
Label: Cromate Recordings
Release Date : 25/01/2008
Upcoming Release
Tessa'nCalveri - Bright Side
(Inc. Pablo Rez rmx,Alessio Mereu rmx,Miguel Tutera rmx)
[12" & Digital Release]
Label: Cromate Recordings
Year : 2008
Tessa'nCalveri - Magmatizados (Abnormal Boyz rmx) V/A EP
(Track inc. tbc)
[12" & Digital Release]
Label: Cromate Recordings
Year : 2008
Gianluca Corvesi - Shot EP (Tessa'nCalveri Acid Talking rmx)
(Track inc. Shot Original Mix)
Label: Cromate Recordings
Year : 2008
Lollo - EP (Tessa'nCalveri rmx)
(Track inc. Original Mix,Silvio Isola rmx)
Label: Cromate Recordings
Year : 2008
Alfie-Quadratoni (Tessa'nCalveri rmx)
Label : Old said rec.
Year : 2008