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genny g


About Me

Gennaro Giamundo , in arte Genny G , nasce artisticamente nei primi anni 90 all'interno della sempre frenetica cultura techno/house partenopea ...sin dalla prima adolescenza , comincia a familiarizzare con consolle e vinili , scegliendo in quegli anni il percorso musicale che lo caratterizzera' negli anni phuturi . Artisticamente legato ad Angels of Love , sin dalle prime serate in pubblico dimostra eclettismo , ricerca e grande personalita' nel mescolare i dischi . Eclettismo , la parola chiave dei set di Genny G :Tech-house , techno , minimal alla base delle sue scelte musicali , lasciando molto spazio alla sperimentazione e all'elettronica d'avanguardia . Nel 2007 la svolta e l'interesse verso sintetizzatori e drum machine . Comincia la sua avventura da produttore con la prima uscita , 2007 , su Qepo con "Disagio EP" , seguite dalle uscite su Minibus , Capsula , Globox . Perennemente diviso tra tastiere, dischi e consolle , al momento e' impegnato in studio per imminenti release. ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ Gennaro Giamundo (AKA Genny G), was artistically born at the beginning of the 90s, performing his art in the always frantic and productive techo/house Neapolitan subculture. He start to familiarize with the console and records since he was a teenager, choosing during this early times the path that brought his sonority to the present releases. Artistically tied to the Angels of Love, since the beginning Genny G shows to be eclectic, researched and to have a great personality in mixing records. Eclecticism is the key word in Genny G. sets: Tech-House, Techno, minimal are the bases of his musical choices, he also allows some time to the experimentation and vanguard electronic music. In the year 2007 he had an epiphany and developed a strong interest towards synthesizers and drum machine. He starts his adventure as a producer with a first release (2007) on the Qepo label with a mini EP (Disagio EP), then he had releases on Minibus, Capsula, Globox. Always concentrating himself ..boards, records e console, at the moment Genny G is in his studio working at the next releases.

My Interests


Member Since: 11/22/2006
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Record Label: Capsula - Qepo - Splitsound - Globox - Minibus
Type of Label: None

My Blog

°°° MINIBUS 002 °°° Temptation EP

"Tempation EP" on MINIBUS !!! DJs FEEDBACKs !!! Categoria: Music Listen and Buy here!Feedback:Someone Else :"Excellent release. Totally fun!"Mark Broom :"Love the A side track. has an old skool vibe ...
Posted by genny g on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 09:53:00 PST

°°° CAPSULA002+002R °°° Retardo Expreso

Billy D'alessandro(Siteholder) i really like the remixes. thanks b Someone Else(Foundsound/Fuzzybox) nice heady tracks! thanks! :) S Da Fresh(Freshin/Weaked/Missile rec) hey ! thanx for the promo. i r...
Posted by genny g on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 01:00:00 PST

°°° QEPO 001°°° DISAGIO EP

..>   - Doudou Malicious (Multivitamins)..:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O /> The one i prefer is Kiodo - ..:NAMESPACE PREFIX = ST1 />Sian (Poker Flat, Karmarouge) Like the Micha Klang mix!!! - Tommy Fou...
Posted by genny g on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 04:17:00 PST

Booking Request

[email protected]
Posted by genny g on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 02:18:00 PST


Posted by genny g on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 01:13:00 PST