Tiziano Scocco a.ka. SkyBoy was born in the center of Rome on March in the 1987, but soon he moved on to grow up in the outskirt of the city.Since young he “feeds†himself up with music,expecially black music because under the influence of a family of crazy musicians in love with Jazz,funky,reggae,soul and new age.
At the age of eleven with the nickname Skyboy he starts with his firsts experiments with electronical music.
In the past few years, besides organizing many partyes and events with his friends and also some great football tournaments, he shows himself to his mates as a Dj, mixing his favourite tracks onto original melodies born from his awesome creativity.
Following his creativeness he realizes the graphic of the flyers of his events and his own cds.
Italian Version:
Tiziano Scocco a.k.a. SkyBoy nasce al centro di Roma nel marzo dell’87, ma si trasferisce e cresce nella periferia della metropoli.Fin da piccolo si “nutre†di musica, soprattutto “blackâ€, in quanto appartenente ad una famiglia di pazzi musicisti e appassionanti di Jazz, funky, reggae, soul e new wave.
A 11 anni, con il nome di SkyBoy, inizia i suoi primi esperimenti con la musica elettronica.
In questi ultimi anni, oltre ad organizzare con i molti amici numerose feste, eventi e….grandi tornei di calcetto, si propone ai suoi affezionati in veste di Dj, dove mixa le sue tracce preferite a melodie originali frutto della sua fervida creatività .
Sulle ali della fantasia realizza anche graficamente i flyers delle sue serate e dei suoi cd.