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align="center"***100 Nosey Questions*** by longtallsally28
The Basics
Name: John
Month of birth: October
Any Siblings?: Two
Parents still married?: Yes
Do you like your job?: Yes
Any pets?: No
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Blue
Shoe size: 13
Any Tattoos?: No
Any Piercings?: No
Current mood: Good
Current wardobe choice: Depends on the occasion
What are you listening to?: Neil Young
Who did you last speak with on the phone?: My mum
What do you currently smell like?: Very nice ha ha
Movie you watched: Superman 2 (The Richard Donner Cut)
Magazine you looked at: GQ
Thing you ate: Cereal
Book you read: The King's reformation
T.v. show you watched: Stargate Atlantis
Time you cried: Can't remember
Took a shower: This morning
Got a real letter (a.k.a Snail Mail): Unless you mean bills, deliveries, a LONG time ago
Ate at a restaurant (not fast food): Christmas
CD you bought: The best of Jamiroquai
What is/was....
The best thing to happen to you today?: So far (waking up!!)
Your most prized possession: My hd tv
Your first vehicle: none
Your current vehicle: none
Your favorite quote: Do you feel lucky punk?
You bedtime (on average): 10.30
Your best trait/characteristic: Loyalty
Your worst trait/characteristic: Stubborness
Do You....
Store things under your bed: yes
Daydream: sometimes
Have a computer at home: yes
Live in the city, suburbs or country: city
Live in a home, apartment, duples or mobile home:
Own a cell phone: yes
Have a good luck charm: no
Collect anything: yes
Attend high school or college: yes (as a postgraduate)
Make good grades: yes
Have You Ever....
Had a surgery?: no
Had teeth pulled?: yes
Broke the law intentionally: yes
Ran away from home?: no
Broke a bone?: no
Cheated on a test/exam: no
Had a friend pass away: no
Been issued a citation/traffic ticket: no
Been in an auto accident: no
Lied to someone: yes
Been lied to: yes
Your Favorite....
Place to be: here
Place to visit: Rome
Place to chill: anywhere
Non-Alcoholic drink: milk
Alcoholic drink: miller
Type of food: any
Meal/Food dish: any
Dessert: any
Shampoo & Conditioner: any
Toothpaste: any
Salad dressing: salad cream
Ice cream: vanilla
Fast food establishment: not that keen
Color: blue and black
Season: spring
Holiday: any
Perfume/Cologne: prada for men
Video Game: Lord of the rings: The rise of the witch king
T.V. show: smallville
Smells: freshly baked bread!
Article of clothing: tuxedo
Book: too many
Children's Book: the hobbit
Candy: loads
Car: none
Do You Believe....
In Karma: maybe
In God: yes
In Heaven & Hell: yes
That aliens exist (extraterrestrial variety, not illegal aliens): yes
That ghosts exist: maybe
In horoscopes: maybe
In others you know (family, friends, co-workers etc): yes
In yourself: yes
Your Opinion....
On the death penalty: not sure
On reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in schools: not in britain!!
On homosexuals in the military: don't care either way
The war in the Middle East: pull out now!
Schwarzeneggar...Governor or Terminator: Terminator
Current gas/fuel prices: Rip off
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My Interests

reading, movies, tv, computers, football (soccer to the USA), meeting new friends, going to the gym, cooking and much more.

I'd like to meet:

New people generally. But if I could meet anybody out of history I'd like to have met Charlemagne, Richard Lionheart, Saladin, William Wallace, Joan of Arc, Oliver Cromwell, John Milton, Queen Victoria, Napoleon, Einstein, Gandhi, Jesus, Mohammed, Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, Alexander the Great, Julius and Augustus Caesar, Herodutus, Karl Marx, Adam Smith, Nietszche, Ghenghis Khan, Attila the Hun and many others. Out of currently alive people, I would want to meet Morgan Freeman, Harrison Ford, Steven Spielberg and George Lucas. Your results:
You are Derrial Book (Shepherd) Derrial Book (Shepherd) 85% Dr. Simon Tam (Ship Medic) 70% Kaylee Frye (Ship Mechanic) 55% Inara Serra (Companion) 45% Malcolm Reynolds (Captain) 45% Zoe Washburne (Second-in-command) 40% River (Stowaway) 40% Wash (Ship Pilot) 40% Alliance 40% Jayne Cobb (Mercenary) 35% A Reaver (Cannibal) 0% Even though you are holy
you have a mysterious past.
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Sinatra, Dean Martin, Marvin Gaye, Queen, Club music (Creamfields, Global Gathering), and many more.


Too many to list but a few are The shawshank redemption, Star wars, Empire strikes back, Revenge of the Sith, Pulp Fiction, leon, Casablanca, The Godfather Parts one and Two, Schindler's List, a very underrated film (the Limey), Superman 1,2 and Superman Returns, Gladiator, the early Steve Martin comedies especially the Jerk and Planes, Trains and Automobiles, Uncle Buck, Blazing Saddles, American Pie, Terminator one and Two Die Hard etc etc


Current shows:smallville, lost, dr who (although I prefer the tom Baker era on the whole) sopranos, stargate sg1, stargate atlantis, battlestar galactica. Older shows: Frasier, Friends, star trek (all the versions), Babylon 5.


Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish, Homer, The Iliad and Odyssey, anything by Euripides or most classical Greek/Roman mythology Anything by Oscar Wilde, Charles Dickens, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Brave New World, News from Nowhere, anything by HG Wells, Historical books generally especially La Diva Nicotina, The Pursuit of Oblivion, True History of Chocolate, Tastes of Paradise: A Social History of Spices, Stimulants, and Intoxicants by Wolfgang Schivelbusch to name but a few.


My friend Jill as without her advice I would not have been able to fulfill my ambition to do a doctorate for financial reasons. My family especially my mother and anybody who stands against tyranny, opression, injustice, inequality, poverty or defends the weak and helpless. I also like some sports stars, movie stars etc but I wouldn't go quite as far as saying they were my heroes, as I think this term is used too often.

My Blog


Further to my bulletin, my 10 favourite movies are 1. Empire Strikes Back2. Star wars3. Raiders of the Lost Ark4. Shawshank Redemption5. Schindler's List6. Pulp Fiction7. The Godfather Part 28. The Go...
Posted by John on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 12:43:00 PST


Further to my bulletin, my favourite programs of all time areNot in order1. Frasier2. TOS (star Trek)3. Babylon 54. X Files5. TNG6. Deep Space Nine7. Dr Who8. Smallville9. The Sopranos10. Only fools a...
Posted by John on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 12:48:00 PST


Your results:You are Spider-ManSpider-Man 70%Superman 70%Hulk 60%Batman 60%Green Lantern 55%Robin 47%Iron Man 45%Supergirl 42%Wonder Woman 37%The Flash 35%Catwoman 20%You are intelligent, witty, a bit...
Posted by John on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 08:21:00 PST


TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName:JohnBirthday:30th OctoberBirthplace:BelfastCurrent Location:OxfordEye Color:BlueHair Color:BlackHeight:6ft 3Right Handed or Left Handed:RightYour Heritage:Briti...
Posted by John on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 03:23:00 PST


this can be quite addictive can't it? I'm stumped on my game, I can't get past a particular level. I wish I had more cash but what student doesn't? I think some of the new friends on my space could be...
Posted by John on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 09:13:00 PST


I'm starting to believe that things could be getting better for my teams. I'm even thinking that Liverpool could win the Premiership this year, I mean I'm not wholly convinced but Stevie G and the lad...
Posted by John on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 12:20:00 PST


I think too much is made of the big brother issue. Yes it was racist and offensive but at the end of the day, the problem is not what they said. The problem is that there are still people with these v...
Posted by John on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 08:29:00 PST

gaming tips?

Anybody got any tips for the game The Rise of the Witch King. Its pretty good. All in all everything is pretty good at the moment. My illness lasted ages, which was abummer. Deadlines are coming up so...
Posted by John on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 07:53:00 PST


My tv never came today I am so annoyed but at least I'm feeling a little better so thats something.
Posted by John on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 10:04:00 PST


I hate being ill, this is a complete pain in the arse. Oh well, at least my new tv should be here today.
Posted by John on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 12:42:00 PST