Natalie profile picture


Natalie Denning

About Me

Elite Clubbing & Posh Funk @ TIBV Marbella - Launch Party Friday 20th July 2007

Myspace Codes:

Hey all my gorgeous fellow myspacers! My names Natalie or nat to my friends or boo to my boyf!! I guess if you know me it's probably for the work I do as a glamour model (although I'm now commercial, don't cha know)!!I've been in the industry now for about 5 years (I know I don't look old enough, ha)and have loved every single minute, even trudging round london in the rain for castings! I've had some amazing experiences and have been lucky enough to travel to some of the most wonderfull places in the world, all this and I get paid (jammy bugger I know)!! Some of my favorite jobs have included shooting american playboy with my fellow "Brat pack" party girls and filming my reality show "poor little rich girls" (god I'm still tramatised by that experience)!! Although I'll never hang up my bikini or stop getting my kit off (you don't have to worry just yet boys)!! I am branching into different areas of moeling, I,ve found out I'm very good at being cheesy and modeling naff prizes hence my appperences modeling on "the price is right" and the new hit saturday night show "Gameshow marathon" I'm also getting into presenting which I love, along with this I'm indulging in my love for partying by setting up my joint club nights "glamourpuss" with my wonderfull fiance paul...Yes that's right guys I am engaged and very very much in love, so please cool it with the dating offers, It aint gonna happen no one could ever fill the shoes of my bubby so no point in trying!! Anyway apart from me being sickly loved up I'm also a proper girly girl who loves chilling out with her peeps, my girls (and tommy boy) are possibly the best in the world and our joint love of vino and champers will keep us being friends forever!! If they had to discribe me I would hope they would say I'm an extremly intellegent indepentdent women but I think it would be more like a ditzy blond princess who dosn't know her arse from her elbow but could tell you if a pair of shoes are jimmy choo or gina a mile off!! Oh thats my other!!God I love em and as Im only 5'4 the higher they are the better!! They do say all the best things come in small packages though!Phew Im knackered now! All that talk of myself has left me exhausted I didnt know I was so god dam interesting, haha!!One last thing... I belive the best gift we were given is laughter so keep smiling guys its a powerfull thing and gives you less wrinkles then frowning!! Peace out, much love Nat xx

(Main Portfolio My Website .)

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My Interests

my intrests like most girls are shopping and pampering although i'm a bit of an action girl as well and love sking and wake boarding. I also tried sucba diving a couple of years ago which was amazing and i plan to do a lot more of this!I love my job posing in front of the camera always interests me as does presenting which is what i'm trying to break into at the moment (check me out on itv's price is right,it's cheesy as hell but alot of fun) My motto in life is work hard party harder!! which is what you will find me doing most weekends with my adourable group of girlies, although as i get older i'm finding it icreasingly harder to deal with the hangovers so you might just see me sipping diet cokes from now on he he!!

I'd like to meet:

Brad Pitt! Only joking i'm in a very happy relationship really, I'd like to meet other freindly open minded people especially ones who's in the industrty for a good old chin wag or goss!! Oh and if theres any hollywood directors out there looking for a hot blond....I'm ya girl!! Here are a few of my favorite photos from my portfolio!


You might not belive this but i'm a bit of a rock chic at heart and love guns and roses and the red hot chilli peppers, i also love to party so funky house music is a mustfor me


My favorite film of all time is casino...Genius loves it!!!


Game shows Price is Right especially (I have to say that) hehe!!


Anybodys autobiography, i love reading about other people especially if ther lifes are more messed up then mine!!


I dont belive in heroes, love yourself and become the best you can possibly be, then your becme your own heroe!!