Gary profile picture


If it's worth doing, Do it right.

About Me

I’ve been in love with photography from a young age, in high school and college it gave me a reason (ok call it excuse) to be close to or around beautiful women. And ya know I found they pull there pants on one leg at a time just like everyone else. Guys don't be afraid to approach that woman you see at a club, they have the same fears and insecurities as you, and in some cases even more. They are people just like you. Treat them with respect and dignity and you'll be amazed with what she'll give you in return.
I’ve met a lot of great people over the years doing work mainly behind the scenes either assisting other photographers or tending to more production type work. i.e image retouching, image editing, color correction, updating other peoples websites and or managing them outright. I sat down about a year ago and self-taught myself video-editing and I find it both a challenge and a rewarding experience.
I guess even photography wise I am mostly self-taught although I have taken formal classes both at the community college level and more traditional approaches like the Art-Institute in Pasadena, CA or The Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara CA. Now before someone checks, then comes back here to say you never graduated from those schools you’d be correct. I never finished them but I learned something unique at each of them and if it had not been for financial concerns I most certainly would have completed my formal training.
For me I have never been a "student" I get bored easily and when that happens I stop listening and thus stop learning in that given situation. So know yourself well enough to see this and move on to the next learning opportunity, school isn't for everyone. Fortunately with creative arts it doesn't have to be but you need to continue to expand your horizons anyway you can. Take something positive from each situation and make it your own . I do believe that everyone should learn the basics of photography in a school environment. Without knowing the rules how can you expect to break them..

Zach expressing how he reaaly feels about having his picture taken, when all he wants is to play ball:-)

My Interests



Hummers: (get your mind out of the gutter:-) Ok sure what guy doesn't like them, from women of course, I am as straight as they come. I'm not passing judgment. I believe to each there own, whatever makes you happy go for it. That type of life style just isn't for me.

Back to my interests: I love my two Labradors Zach and Jake. Zach is a black lab and Jake is a Golden Lab/Golden Retriever mix.

I love the beach and everything associated with it. Just being outside be it at a beach, the mountains, or some lake is simply a great experience.

I enjoy helping people.
I love the creative process of video editing.

I'd like to meet:

Interesting people:



Fans of models, fans of photographers, other creative types.

Hummer owners H1,H2,H3 or people who enjoy getting out and exploring in a friendly supportive environment.

Amazing Photography

Links from flash banners have been disabled by myspace.
click here to visit Andy's site

Some of my own work. See more in my picture section.


Action (OH! There's a stretch) haha. Imagine that a guy enjoying action films.




Who has time to read?


What kind of eyes do you have?
You have eden eyes. Eden is the color of water. Your eyes symbolize your great flexibility. You are a creative person. You can think of many good ways to get your point across to people as you have very good communication abilities. When someone feels down or is hurt, you have the remarkable ability to help them and heal them. If you have too little going on in your life, you may be withdrawn and depressed, timid, manipulative, unreliable, stubborn, or suspicious. Some words to describe you: peaceful, sincere, affectionate, tranquil, intuitive, trustworthy, pure, loyal, healing, and stable.
Quizzes by
As a show of support for the beautiful women of I am going to start adding banners, to either their myspace pages or to their personal webpages. So ladies if you'd like a little more free advertising send me the banner and code or let me know where you'd like me to go pull it from. All I ask in return is that if you have not added me as a friend please do so and if you would be so kind as to leave a comment in my comment section I would appreciate it.
Oh, as a side note the banners will appear in no particular order. Just because one girl is above the next does NOT mean I like the one on top any more than any of the others, you all are loved equally. When I feel the page is becoming unbalanced the addition of banners will cease unless I'm compelled or properly motivated to add more.

Grab the code beneath any of the banners to display them on your page.
..Jenn Brown
..monica cariveau
..adree desanti
.. .. "anna_ericson"
.. "amanda raee"
.."The Peach, Melissa Roller"
.."Nichole Jackson"
.."Angela Summers"
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