harfordcountybands.com profile picture


Its all about the music - all the music!!!!

About Me

HarfordCountyBands.com is a community outreach project in its 3rd year of operation located in Harford County, Maryland. The project was started by Gerry Muccioli who continues to run the project. It was started to provide three basic functions: first, support the local young musician with full production capabilities for sound, stage, video and studio recording capabilities; secondly, setup multi-band concerts to provide locals a place to hear music from their local bands and throw in some outside of Harford County bands into the mix to keep it fresh; lastly, provide a system of raising money for local community non-profit organizations.Harford County Maryland, like most every county in the United States, provides no real outlet for developing music for a younger crowd. This is the first such project in the county and we have been going at it for several years now, entering our 4th year actually. The project depends on people - many people - most of which are high school students that have an interest in the music of local bands or the production aspects of the music industry. A small group of adults contribute time and labor when needed.We promote all bands through our website, www.harfordcountybands.com (I bet you could have guessed the URL, right) and help bands reach out to a larger population through our shows called the Bash Full Power (10,000 watts of pure power) and then the Bash Unplugged(acoustic show) both held at St. Margaret's Church in Bel Air. The shows are monthly and are in a 750 capacity multi-purpose facility. The project provides a significant sound system, excellent FOH sound mixing, video production and 16 channel digital live recording capabilities. We are always looking for bands just starting out, existing bands in the area and welcome bands outside of the area and only ask that they take the time to invite a Harford County band to swap shows after they play the Bash - you know the drill - have your people call their people!If you are interested in playing on one of the show lists you should go to www.harfordcountybands.com and go to the Bel Air Bash forum and leave your contact information with the other bands so we know how to find and contact you for shows.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Please Help Us Promote!!


You name it and I've listened to it, played it, wrote it, recorded it and was amazed at how talented local bands are now days!


My best friends in the entire world are Mike and Chris. I've learned a lot from these guys and I owe them everything.

My Blog

Bel Air Bash Changes for April

Well thanks to everyone that came out to the March show  it was about 900 people at that show.  The bands of course were excellent.  I want everyone to read the section below to see what ch...
Posted by harfordcountybands.com on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 05:55:00 PST