into musics and sports and cute babies and aweX cunz :P~~
EVANESENCE - BRING ME TO LIFE well i actually enjoy listenin to: rAwK - pUnk rAwk - m3t4L - heAvy metAl - hik h0k fAnky - etc.. etc .. etc..
Enough! pirate of da carribean! TORQUE!! etc Lizzie McGuire Movie ker.. cam bes~ hihi..:P~~
hmm.. not really into TVs but if i do watch em.. i'll watch som`ek like Charmed, CSI, Dark Angle, Forensic Detective, vidclips on mtv hits,TMF,The Box,Kerrang,etc..& Cartoons maybe ;)
d0 i lo0k like a b00ky type of pers0n..?!~
whAt's A her0es..? is it dat chocolate cake thingy..? ;P~