Death Can Dance (NEW SONGS UP FOR DOWNLOAD) profile picture


No pretending just offending

About Me

About Death Can Dance:
Ever get the feeling that in a music world full of fake self-pity, contrived depression and self-proclaimed recluses, we have forgotten what it was to love something that represents "cool"? We're not talking "jock" cool or following a "trend" cool but a simple self-belief and passion that holds more gravitas than the abundance of whiney break up songs and fringe hair cuts present in todays rock and pop scenes. Well if you do, look no further as London born Death Can Dance are bringing back the "cool" with their mixture of rock and dance-infused punk music which can be seen at their fast-pasted incendiary live shows. Their penchant for style and mode has resulted in a comparison with Iggy and the Stooges if they could write proper songs and if Dior were their stylists (so maybe The Rolling Stones would be a better comparison?). However don't write them off as being a mere fashion band or another struggling rock act doing the toilet circuit. These boys are becoming more and more of a bigger fixture in the hottest city in the world. With their DJ alias "Dekadance" they have been busting out dance and electro sets across the club scene in London and now have their own radio show on the capital's new buzzed lifestyle website
"We like to live our lives to the full and constantly experience different things" says front man Charlie Cosser. "We get out, meet people and write about it. Our songs may be quite poppy and some quite radio friendly but they are also disturbingly honest and extremely daring. Plus we're not into any of that fake cockney shit". Too true, as fan favourite "Dr.King" tells the real story of a boy from their school who pursued an uninterested girl to the point where he pretended to have a brain tumour, a 50/50 chance of surviving surgery and faking a doctor's note from a certain "Hilary King" to convince her and friends. "Sign Here" invites you to learn of a well known music manager that promised the guys the world whilst painting them the cliche dream of girls and drugs in exchange for half the band's earnings. The cheekily titled "I exploded like a Jackson Pollock" was the result of one summer tour when the band came across a group of mormon girls on a European school trip and followed them from Edinburgh, to London to Paris then onto Los Angeles in the space of two weeks...just for kicks. Crazy stories yes but the band's nonstop energy is something that can be felt when listening to the songs or seeing them live. The ambiguity of a lot of the tracks and their lyrical content also allow people to find different ways of relating to the songs whilst keeping the same major themes.
This is all a far cry from their hardcore roots where the band were used to dodgy promoters, rumour hungry scenesters and poorly organised shows in small towns that would end in all out brawls between local kids. "Our gear would get stolen, our merch was taken, promoters would sometimes run off without paying and we'd be 6 hours from home," says Mike, bassist. It wasn't all that bad though, even though the band may claim this period was more of a learning curve for them, in a small space of time they managed to gain the interest of major and independent labels and even a sneaked out an album in Japan on a local punk label which had them featured alongside Coldplay in the country's renowned Crossbeat magazine. Not bad for a group of sixteen year olds.
A few more years experience, a couple of drummer changes, a more honest sound and a chicer image, Death Can Dance are hungry. Amidst all other projects and gigging the guys are already revealing plans to do their own club night. Entrepreneurial? Motivated? DCD are all encompassing influential young people. They have created a new vibe that is straight forward, adventurous and fun. Time to get busy.
You can download our music from the following websites:
iTUNES (worldwide) RHAPSODY NAPSTER eMUSIC Sony Connect Music Net


My Interests


Member Since: 5/16/2005
Band Website: Band and Dj Bookings - [email protected]
Band Members: Charlie-Vocals



Influences: Clubs London Sushi Dance Chicks Clothes London Kicks Santa Monica Fast Food The Olsen Twins "The Wife/Mother" Horror Movies Comedy Paris Bono's wife Sienna Miller Numero The Parlour Travel Lodge Entourage Californication Vitor Older Women Cold Cuts Shouting at people on the motorway Top Gear Jools Holland Vice's Do's and Dont's Lies Dreams Family Supersoakers Friends Mormons Cheese Strings Restaurants Frappuccino Heroes Sex Vodka and coke JD and Coke Old records Podcasts Charlie Rapino Brittish Airways Flight Crew The Reggae Lounge Habour Lights Toilet Roll Hotel Mischief Swedish Girls Ketchup
Sounds Like:

Record Label: None
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Ok guys, I am aware that you might think that we have been sitting around on our collective asses doing sweet fuck all since the end of last year but that is most definatly not the case. We have been ...
Posted by Death Can Dance (NEW SONGS UP FOR DOWNLOAD) on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 06:00:00 PST

Our Fans...

... are RADHere's some stuff they have sent us! ...
Posted by Death Can Dance (NEW SONGS UP FOR DOWNLOAD) on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 07:06:00 PST


..> Food poisoning, sore throats, bad colds, frost bite, VD..we've all been very ill seeing as though its winter and christmas is upon us. So right about now I think it's time to wish everyon...
Posted by Death Can Dance (NEW SONGS UP FOR DOWNLOAD) on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 07:39:00 PST


So we've had our whole myspace revamped so it looks hot for everyone who comes on it. More importantly, however, we added a preview sampler of our latest track "Dr.King" which we're going to release a...
Posted by Death Can Dance (NEW SONGS UP FOR DOWNLOAD) on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 12:40:00 PST

Charlie speaks to!

Death Can Dance are a fast rising group from London with a Japan released 10 track album and an immensely catchy EP now avaliable for download already to their name. It can't be long until these boys,...
Posted by Death Can Dance (NEW SONGS UP FOR DOWNLOAD) on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 06:22:00 PST

**Prelude Magazine review and interview**

Now if you haven't heard this band you need to get on it because they are the epitome of pure dance energy. When I first heard the band I was instantly drawn to them because they were slight...
Posted by Death Can Dance (NEW SONGS UP FOR DOWNLOAD) on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 07:25:00 PST