-=loves to study islamic studies and aswell as languages. they give me strength to build up my confidence in life. selain dr english n malay..From all da languages dat i've learnt..Arabic is da best..well,suppose to learn arabic coz it's da 'syurga' language..so??Ermm,wutelse?if u guyz got da opportunity,better don't let it go dat easily.
-=who i would like to meet??I would love to meet those who are not working just for the sake of the world but aswell as for the life hereafter..the Prophet, Muhammad S.A.W the other caliphates
-=Nasyids are da best...but i also listen to the other type of musics like Malay,Korean,Japanese and English..Not to forget,Arabs songs..all of them roCk.but i really hate the scream bit where the Rock songz are like..They just gimme my head in!! LOLz
-=Movies..?Erm,for me..some of the movies are cool,but non of it r into my taste,i don't know why..probably i'm not into tele dat much..that's y??!Xbut 'Winter Sonata' is da best out of all!
-=I love to watch Japanese cartoons..they are all so cute man..Card Captor Sakura is my no.1..what else?sailor moon..and etc etc
-=BOOKzZZ?the jiwang ones is kinda cool man!...like revision book is my favourite ones the colour2 ones...koz it's colourful so it's easy to read..plus horror stories..like ghost n stuff..wo0o,it's so interesting
-=My greatest hero is the Prophet Muhammad SAW, he has all the characteristics that a person should have in a way to be a better Muslim.So that's why the sunnah of him is what i inspired from and i adore him for all the things he did for the past.