I likes chimps, pups, elephants, making photy-grafs, growing veggies, making stories, tea and cake served on posh delf, music music music (i like it in three different ways), books, being a private detective, football, guinness, running for the sake of it, dogtanian.
Jane Goodall - an amazing lady from whom we have learned nearly everything we now know about chimpanzees. If you dont know of her read her excellent book 'In the Shadow of Man'. She rocks.
Nina Simone - her music makes me belly do sommersaults and other fuzzy things. Almost got to see her live in vicar street before she died but she cancelled and it is now my only regret so far this lifetime (the other being the declining quality of our chocolate bars in general but in particular club milks and curly wurlys).
Don't do genres, but heres some examples of my favourites: toots and the maytals, nina simone, p-funk, the band and bob dylan, ryan adams, orbital, i draw slow, gavin glass and the holy shakers, the amazing few, the magic numbers, lemonjelly, jurassic 5, jacqueline tuck, aisling quinn, and The Blood Red Mountain Band
To name but a few... Trois coleurs bleu Nosferatu Cat on a hot tin roof Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind Kill bill Rear window Rope Le haine
Is bad for you...but there have been some gems, such as monthy python, the office, family guy, and spaced. gotta be careful though to only watch it when you know theres something good on!
The third policeman by flann o'brien, the hotel newhampshire, cider house rules, and garp, all by john irving. Charlie and the chocolate factory by roald dahl. Catch 22 by joseph heller. The pearl by John Steinbeck. Swallows and Amazons by cant remember. 1984 by George Orwell. The happy prince by Oscar Wilde. The entire dark tower series by stephen king.
My Beautiful and Amazing Granny (R.I.P.), Bears, Chimps, and Uncle Rico (ever wish you could go back in time?)