interested in revolution[s], a'our minds n bodies n spirits n hearts ... ways'ta keep faith n joy while prepar'n n go'n ta'battle ...
jus keep it real -- wit honest n real n compassionate n respectful hearts n intentionally be in love wit justice. invest energy inta all struggles, in ways safe n well fo'all. honor n teach by actions beneficial transformation n care'fo all warm/fierce/tender spirits while feelin blessed fo'joy -- laughin/smilin/rejoicin/sharin n communicatin/lovin/buildin community
wow, do alla that --- am'a ask fo'u ta'be a'my family. mentor/sista/brotha/otha ...lovin n teachin. am *not* playin. thas sum revolutionary self n community lovin shznt rite ther, n shucks ... its in community that we learn that we can n do n have resist[ed] ta'thrive togetha
stay fresh, folk.
u can contact at fo'fiercly tender political storytelling. its all bout/fo'tha healin'a us... n done outta love, not fo'profit. tho donations r appreciated, no doubt.
provide inspiration ta'work fo'liberation!
more than 1500 passin's cuza "israeli" n u.s. terrorism currently accounted [07.19.2006] in Lebanon.
visual/tactile art:
Frida, Katy Kianush, Manuel Ngombo Ndofula, Joyous Liu, Hasan Johnson, Dream, Charles Lovato, Bua, Pistol, Guilherme Camela Simao, Diego, Fernando Catera Valentim, Ed Singer, Neelam Pathikonda, Miguel Mateo Maldonado Cabrera, Yamini Bhatnagar, Archibald V. Motley, Jr, Louis, Gabriel Francisco Quissanga, Ben Rojas, Paul Pletka, Amal Moniga, Elizabeth Catlett, Edmonia Wildfire Lewis, Dena Al-Adeeb, Zola, Chicano Park Muralists, n mo'
those that help folk gain truth n do tha necessary work like top 7 ... Lorde - Zami: A New Spelling of My Name n Sister Outsider, Said - Culture and Imperialism, Neruda - Fully Empowered, Baldwin - Fire Next Time, Garcia-Marquez - Love in the Time of Cholera, Foucault - Madness & Civilization
honor ancestors, lil'ones, all fam, n those who work ta'reshape fear inta hope. in respectful ways fo'ourselves *n* each otha, n not self-sacrific'n. those who give real respect ta'our atu. dunfake tha funk n honor joy, thas worth recognition.