Music, guitars, art, books, kids, teaching , dogs, real music, recording artist, anything once allmost.My wife more than anything, shes my soulmate and love of my life! !
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you name it , I can jam with it. its all goood.......... all the songs I wrote for my wife. Header Banner Made with! Click here to make your own!
Heavy Metal,Rocky Horror Picture Show, A clockwork orange, one flew over the kookoo's nest,of mice and men. any videos of me playing live
t v is the devil............. music is the saving grace........ I cant wait to hear the angels sing and jam with Jesus...
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Clive Barker, Steven King, and dude, you know dude that wrote that really good book. Yeah him. ..
My wife and my kids, And I'll jack superman up if he steps to my family, put him in a armbar and be like oops!!it snaped, My bad superman, ya might wanna get that looked at. Michael G. Proudly endorses Minarik Guitars