playing and writing songs collecting guitars! riding my chopper! basically everything right now is music! we are doing very well at the moment! so i wanna finally achive what ive been working my ass of for so long LOL
people from everywhere in the world who share in music and have a cool head about their life ...good people in genaral! lots of sexy lil girls,bad girls! ..
i love hard rock and metal but all music is good anything that grooves check out my songs ..
action movies! goodfellas scarface casino! when i can find time to see them!
not much whatever i can watch on cable after 11 pm
how i got rich dreaming, more guitars for dummies( a collectors guide) r.i.f reading is fundemental, go pound sand! and my fave ........... we are always that fuckin loud!
Kris Traynor the main man behind the curtains, my friends Jon Terada ,Mike Cavanaugh, my Bro Don Marshall , Debra Stocker and John Green@ all Access Magazine all the Band mates who have been a piece of this with me from the beginning of the journey, Steve & Rick, Geo Mac, D.o.n,Mean Gene ,Louie Tony, Janet & Cindy love yas and thanks and to GOD! and anyone who has a dream and does what they believe in! not to the future!! my bros George and Ricco! WE ROCK!!!!!