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- Ze-tek4 Ultimate Trance
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Paul Davison aka ZE-TEK4 is 33 and lives in West Yorkshire in the U.K. He has been producing music seriously for the past 6 months but has always been involved in music from a very young age. His father played the guitar from being a teenager and played in a group called Contrast who performed around many clubs and pubs throughout the U.K. It was through his father that Paul was taught how to play the guitar from the age of 8. His passion for music grew from this point and he also took an interest in the keyboard. In his early teenage years Paul was a member of the Air Cadets and during this time he participated in their parade band; he played the bass drum. Within this time they participated in many competitions throughout the U.K.
Music for him at that point was mainly a hobby which he indulged in his spare time, it wasnt until his late twentys that Paul started to take his musical talents more seriously, but unfortunately due to work and family commitments he was unable to take his musical career that step further.
2006 was a turning point for Paul; he had witnessed his sister Lynn go through the trauma of being diagnosed with cancer two years previously, she courageously won her battle with the disease and had decided to radically change her life. This she did by returning to college and then advanced further on to University to study History with the goal of becoming a teacher. Paul, by being very close to his sister realised that life is what you make it and also took the courageous decision to re-evaluate his own life to strive for what he would also like to achieve from his own life. Paul has successfully applied to return to education and will be studying for a degree in Creative Music Technology at University.
While waiting to start at University, Paul, throughout the summer has had some spare time to create some spectacular musical compositions. The genre that he has been drawn into is electronica trance and ambient, but he also likes to experiment with dance floor music too.
Paul put his music on an internet site called Soundclick where all 12 of his songs he has produced has got into the top 10 within their genre ,and also the top ten in the electronica ,with 3 of those songs hitting the number 1 spot .and has received much interest from his music by many people from around the world and has made many new friends on the way.
Also at this time, Paul and his sister Lynn and another good friend M-Tech are working together on a music project involving many brilliant signed and unsigned artists to raise money for Cancer Research U.K. This project will hopefully reach full fruition by the end of this year.
Paul is hoping that with his own pure raw talent and his studies at university, that his musical career will go from strength to strength, and Im sure that it is only a matter of time that Ze-tek4 will be a name that we will all come to recognise and the music that he creates will be music that many people from around the world will immensely enjoy, and of Paul the person; we will admire and respect him for his sheer determination in life.
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