Independent Bands and Music Lovers!
Formed in late 2005, Makaratta Mob's initial EP releases immediately established them as one of Australia's most progressive acts on the world music stage with their primitive, cross cultural instrumentals which oftentimes plummet into convoluted ancient renderings twisted together with rusty industrialized experiments in recording.'Makaratta' from the Yolgnu, 'a battlefield over which a flag of reciprocity was hung'. Makaratta Mob's first full length compact disc entitled 'Wert-Da’ (Looking Back) is a multifarious fusion of traditional indigenous instrumentation with complex, avant-garde production values under the musical direction of Ross Aubrey.Performing an eclectic blend of material which challenges the modern concepts of musical composition and production, Makaratta Mob’s sets new benchmarks in the field of innovative production, arrangement and recording.
click here for more info and sound samples!