Sleeping, waking up, playing piano, sychronicity, yoga, veganism, playing the drums, topology, water, transformation matrices, teleportation devices, ancient civilizations, the kabbalistic world of Yetsirah
mechanical devices; robots who think they are human and humans who think they are robots; robots who know for sure they are definately not robots but repeat the same mistake over and over again; machine parts.extra terrestrials who've lived on more than one planet
Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, Paganini, Tibetan Chants, Bells, Handel's Water Music, Hindustani Music, Gregorian Chants, Kurdish Dances, Curtis Mayfield, Al Green, Chi-Lites, Marvin Gaye, Gladys Knight and the Pips, James Brown, too many to mention...
Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Italian films with Roberto Bernini, Alice in Wonderland, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, anything with Peter Sellers
Monty Python's Flying Circus, X-files, Star Trek
The Secret Doctrine by Helena Petrova Blavatsky, Cities of the Red Night by William S. Burroughs, Quo Vadis, The Feynman Lectures on Physics, the Upanishads, Dialogues of Plato, Homer,Wittgenstein, Alexander Dumas
Fog horn Leg horn, Alexander the Great, Socrates, Martin Luther King