Founded in 2006 in Berlin/Germany, the band consists of experienced musicians of the local rock-scene. Got to know each other from a concert in different bands in the mid of 2005, they like to have fun and music with another. So they decided shirtly to start "Richard Ritter & the Mad Indian Motorhorses".
Richard Ritter himselfs, not only a singer and frontman, but also a classic oboe-artist, leads the tough guys through his and their musical universe. Switching between symphonic orchestras, tv-shows with classical music, his college-education and the Mad Indian Motorhorses, Richard Ritter lives the complete modern musician lifestyle. But of cause, it's true: Richard Ritter & the Mad Indian Motorhorses was also played on local radio stations, like FRITZ-radio in Berlin.
RR & the MIM create their own style, a mix between Classic Rock, Heavy Metal, Punk, Classic, Ska, Country, Industrial, Funk and many more so called "Heavy Love Rock". Cause they love the world and all its creatures and they believe in God. It's seems to be their own style of cross-over-all. Their textual content are stories around their life as individual, love-based men, as multidimensional souls in all worlds and they have decided to use german and english written textes. Feel the RR-lifestyle, feel the atmosphere of the creative starts and see their ideas acting.
All their demo-songs are complet downloadable for nothin' at their homepage:
Respect their copyrights. All private use and privat copies are free, for commercial use please contact them at first:
And don't forget make an entry at their guestbook!!
Love & peace to you!!! RR & MIM
------------------------------------- German follows / ab hier landessprachlich ---------
RR & the MIM gibts auch komplett in Deutsch auf ihrer Homepage:
Dort könnt ihr die Bandinfo, aktuelle News, Aksionen ;) , Gigs, Pics usw. finden. Das wichtigste ist aber der Download der DEMO-Aufnahmen, die in guter MP3-Qualität runtergeladen werden können. Die private Nutzung ist völlig frei, d.h. ihr könnt sie kopieren, verschenken, abspielen, als CD brennen, auf Feten spielen usw. so oft und soviel ihr wollt.
Nur der geschäftliche Gebrauch muß von uns zuvor schriftlich erlaubt werden. Keinesfalls erlaubt ist die Nutzung bzw. Veröffentlichung auf Tonträgern, die verkauft werden (zB. Sampler) oder für kommerzielle Werbezwecke. Falls ihr Euch nicht sicher seid, bitte einfach ein Mail an [email protected]
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Richard Ritter & the Mad Indian Motorhorses