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Eli Cross

What's the fun of getting old if you can't be dirty?

About Me

My new podcast with Kylie Ireland is available now.
Quit your damned whining! This one is actually new!
Here's the latest episode of The Kylie Ireland Show:
The Kylie Ireland Show #04 Pt. 01
For part two (which is also free), or for the MP3 or iPod downloads, visit KylieIreland.com/podcast .
Now, about me:
I still use capital letters in e-mail. I cry a lot at movies, but mostly 'cause they suck. I have porn sex in real life, and film real sex for a living. I'm a sociopath, a nihilist, an anarchist, and, no, I probably don't like you much, either. I'm an arrogant, perverted, elitist, populist and even if I'm not actually smarter than you, I think I am anyway.
More specifically, my name is Eli Cross. Well, that's not my real name, but my real name is none of your fuckin' business. Because I work in the porn business. If you know my real name it's because you're a friend or we do business together. Or you looked me up on the net. Or it's because Vivid's brain-dead art director keeps putting my real name on boxcovers.
My job is creating the illusion of intimacy in the filthiest circumstances possible. Hollywood likes to call itself "The Dream Fatory," but that's bollocks. We're the real dream merchants. We sell people fantasies.
Therapists sell you the illusion that they are interested in you; that they care. Hookers and prostitutes sell you the illusion that you are desirable; wanted; sexy. The people who are threatened by porn (and everyone -- I'm sorry, I know I'm painting with a really broad brush here, but it's the fuckin' truth -- everyone who disapproves of porn is, in some way, threatened by it) will tell you that people like me are in the business of selling perversion.
This, too, is bollocks. That's akin to accusing a man who sells wood of peddling fire.
I sell fuel. I sell the raw materials which become the foundation fantasies are built on. The consumer -- the builder -- supplies the perversion, bless his pointy little head.
I've often said that we are Hollywood stripped of the pretense of art. Porn isn't art, it's commerce. We make tools for masturbating, just like a hammer is a tool for driving nails. When I go into Home Depot, I might be tempted by the very expensive, bright, shiny hammer with the laminated hickory handle and the precision-balanced head, but if I can't hammer nails with the fucking thing once I get home, it's no damned good to me.
That being said, I've made a few bright, shiny hammers with some artiface to them that you could still damned well hammer nails with.
My latest is a movie called Upload , which just got nominated for 22 AVN Awards including Best Video.

My Interests

Film. Books. BDSM. Perversion. Quantum physics. Geeky shit. Animals (not like that... well, not personally, anyway). My Sexy Redhead .

I'd like to meet:

Well, I hate to sound like a complete pig, but I'd also hate to disappoint, so if I'm going to actually meet someone from this societal blight of a website, I'd prefer it to be someone from one of the following categories:

Hot, nasty, filthy little sluts who will gleefully come visit my girlfriend and I in our dungeon so we can do incredibly dirty, twisted things to her. A few things to consider before you suggest yourself as a candidate:

    We live in a dungeon, so expect to get tied up and/or beaten. Expect anal sex. Expect Kylie to probably not be into your husband/boyfriend (she's very picky about guys, her mate's looks notwithstanding), so you might as well leave him at home. I mean it when I say incredibly twisted, because we really are filthy perverts. Did I mention anal sex?
Now that's out of the way, I'd also like to meet any serious film producers who want to get involved in some pretty tasty, low-budget, mainstream projects who don't mind having their names sullied with the presence of a filthy pornographer.

We're always looking for hot (insert your favorite inane slang here -- hotties, bitches, hos, sluts, whatever) who want to get into the business. We are never looking for guys who want to get into the business.

Let me repeat that. Guys. Never. This Means You.

Also, porn producers looking for a good gun-for-hire are always welcome as well, but I've been in the business since 1990, so odds are good we've already met.


Yeah, I listen to it, but I can't get all bothered to be passionate about much. I like Tom Waits, Ani DiFranco, Liz Phair & Beethoven.



Lawrence of Arabia. This is Spinal Tap. Heat. To Kill A Mockingbird. The Lion in Winter. Man Bites Dog. Fearless. Lost in Translation. Being John Malkovich. The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover. Holiday. His Girl Friday. Henry V. The Philadelphia Story. Farenheit 9/11. Inherit the Wind. The Maltese Falcon. Grosse Pointe Blank. The Grifters. Delicatessen. Insomnia (the original, not the crappy remake). The Iron Giant. Empire of the Sun. The Empire Strikes Back. Raiders of the Lost Ark. Ghostbusters. Wag the Dog. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. La Femme Nikita. Run Lola Run. All the President's Men. A River Runs Through It. Little Big Man. Dances With Wolves. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. The Sting. Cool Hand Luke. Bullitt. The French Connection. Patton. Unforgiven. The Godfather I & II. The Man Who Would Be King. From Russia With Love. The Wild Bunch. The Professionals. The Seven Samurai. Yojimbo. Sanjuro. Time Bandits. Blade Runner. The Mosquito Coast. Man on Fire. Thelma & Louise. Alien. The Ice Storm. American Movie. A googolplex of others.
In general I love most films by the Coens, Wes Anderson (even his goddamned American Express commercial), Terry Gilliam, Christopher Nolan, Sam Mendes, Mike Leigh, and everything from Pixar. I love the work of the Pythons, even individually, except Eric Idle who needs to be strung up for fucking Spamalot. I wish Woody Allen would just die quietly in his sleep to salvage some dignity. About eight years ago. But I love Stardust Memories and Manhattan and Annie Hall and many others.
I run hot and cold on Martin Sorcese (Goodfellas, Casino, Raging Bull; excellent. Gangs of New York, Bringing Out the Dead, The Aviator; painful). I enjoy James Cameron movies, but the scripts are shit (especially the dialogue, which does matter, I don't care what William Goldman thinks).
There are a lot of films I enjoy for parts, or despite the knowledge that they're bad. Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow is a good example. Crap movie, and I loved it.
I think Tim Burton is a great art director and a crappy filmmaker who tells infantile stories and doesn't understand real human motivations. I think David Lynch is a low-grade art-school asshole with the aesthetic of a sexually-retarded 16-year-old. And I think David Cronenberg is a much better filmmaker than I give him credit for, and I respect his movies even if I don't particularly like them.
And before you ask, I loathed... hated... despised... The Fellowship of the Ring, specifically because I love the books. And, yes, I saw the extended cut and it just made things worse, and, no, I didn't see the fucking rest of the trilogy, and, no, I don't ever plan to, and, no, I didn't see King Kong. And I wish Peter Jackson a slow, painful death from something terrible. Preferably involving the prolonged disintegration of internal organs.


Is shit. I haven't had T.V. (i.e. cable or dish or satellite or any of that nonsense) for years, so I'm out of touch. We have caught up with a few things on DVD however, and this is much easier than the film category.
In general, I like Discovery; A&E; The History Channel; but the commercials make me crazy. As for shows... Deadwood is excellent and smart, which is why it's getting cancelled. I enjoy the new Battlestar Galactica a lot (and what a shock that was). I like most of The Sopranos. I liked The X-Files before it turned to shit; I liked Millennium before it jumped the shark. I'm enjoying the living hell out of the new Doctor Who, and, yes, I still enjoy the original, cheesy as it is.
Everything I really loved is long gone, never to be repeated. I loved The Larry Sanders Show. Barney Miller. Monty Python's Flying Circus. Fawlty Towers. The Office (no, the British one, moron, the real one), and I'm looking forward to watching Extras as soon as I can find the downloads. Spaced was great. The Prisoner was amazing, even if it makes no fucking sense.
I love original Star Trek just because I do, and I've hated everything else they've ever slapped the name on. Next Generation was just the first link in a pile of T.V. turds that kept getter fouler and looser as time went on.
I've seen Lost and it stinks. 24 is even worse. Just about everything else is completely beneath my contempt, and believe me, my contempt will stoop to anything.


The Hitchhiker's trilogy. Tolkien. The World According to Garp and A Prayer for Owen Meany. Skinny Legs and All. Everything Robertson Davies ever wrote. To Kill a Mockingbird. Foucalt's Pendulum. Kingdom of the Wicked. The Professor and the Madman. In A Sunburned Country and Lost Continent. Gloriana.

For starters...


I'm not entirely sure I believe in this concept. People are a product of their times and events. A hero is a sandwich.

My Blog

Irwin Allen Can Still Open

It's been a big month for disasters so far. I'm not just talking about the cyclone in Burma and the Chinese earthquake, though those are certainly impressive in the pyrotechnics-and-body-count sense. ...
Posted by Eli Cross on Fri, 16 May 2008 06:53:00 PST

Get your stinking paws off me...

I’ve been getting hit with little nostalgia tsunamis over the past few weeks. Being 40, I’m sure this is just going to become a more regular event as I get older, but for now it’s st...
Posted by Eli Cross on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 02:03:00 PST

That which doth most become a geek...

Now that my Geek magazine interview is out (you can read the first page for free on Geek’s Homepage; to read the rest, go buy the goddamn magazine ya cheap bastards!) I thought it might be worth...
Posted by Eli Cross on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 05:54:00 PST

Put that back! Does it LOOK like I’m done with March?

The great thing about posting a blog only slightly more often than George Bush gets head is that so many things which would take hours to write simply fade into the background. Here’s a little q...
Posted by Eli Cross on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 12:18:00 PST

Buckets of Blood

Well, it's been an interesting week. We've had a couple of rentals to deal with, K has been crazybusy running all over the Valley, we've all got far too many major projects hanging over our heads, and...
Posted by Eli Cross on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 12:53:00 PST

Jenna Jamesons Mouth

A little backstory; I've known Jenna Jameson since she was new enough to still have the price tag on her boobies. We were never close, never hung out or spent holidays together, but I did her first ma...
Posted by Eli Cross on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 11:17:00 PST

2008: A Look Back

I realize I've already posted my lists for the year, but I always find that it makes it easier to move forward with purpose and optimism if you take the time to analyze the year past in more detail& d...
Posted by Eli Cross on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 06:22:00 PST

Wheres the Goddamned Reverse on This Thing?

Another one gone, and it feels like very little has changed. How is that possible? How can a year go by& a year as eventful as I know, as I comprehend intellectually, this year past was& and leave me ...
Posted by Eli Cross on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 05:00:00 PST

Aliens vs. Predator vs. Freddy vs. Jason vs. Julian Schnabel

I've been thinking a lot about horror movies lately. In general, I'm not a big fan of the genre; as a rule horror flicks are too under-scripted and over-acted for my taste (Saw is a fine example of bo...
Posted by Eli Cross on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 07:24:00 PST

Bend over again...

Oh, that wacky president Cheney... The enduring destruction he and his other oval office cronies have wrought through their hand-puppet George just isn't enough. They're going to push through war with...
Posted by Eli Cross on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 11:40:00 PST