Air Tanning is a new and safe way of achieving beautifully brown skin without the risks of skin cancer associated with overexposure from the sun or from a tanning bed. Using an airbrush, a bronze solution containing dihydroxyacetone (DHA) is applied to the body. This ingredient, which has been approved by the FDA for over 30 years for cosmetic applications, reacts with the amino acids in the outer layer of the skin. The reaction creates a tan that looks as though it came from the sun. We use a delivery system that provides an even application thereby avoiding streaking and blotching. This spray tan lasts approximately 6—12 days depending on your activities, skin type, how well you take care of your skin before and after your AIR TAN
Anyone looking for a quick safe tan! Pregnant women, skin cancer victims, under age UV tanners, Men, women and children going on vacation, red heads. Anyone needing tanned before a BIG EVENT! Uneven pigment, tanlines, white legs? AIR TAN will take care of you!