I live in Brighton UK and I am mainly down on Mad Planet which is for madness, music and more(link below). I have a mental health disability and no longer work out of my home but I am making a site called Creative Cafe for people to put up all the creative stuff they can do and buy and sell creations in the site salesroom. Other disabled people are helping me with this project and I feel we can hold our own when it comes to creativity in this world. Although you might not think that by the look of my page so far! I am having trouble working out how to change it...
View my profile on Mad Planet
DON'T LET DISABILITY MEAN INEQUALITYAm just off on a weeks holiday on September 24th. Thanks to everyone who has agreed to be my friend on here. I hope we will get to know each other better soon. We are hoping to open Creative cafe in October but with a few hiccups over the Salesroom checkout and stuff it may be later (All that techno stuff goes over my head but I am sure we will get it sorted soon...) Whenever it is hope you will come down and join us. And like I say thanks for being so friendly.CREATIVE CAFE IS NOW OPEN!
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