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Live and Learn or Crash and Burn!

About Me

TechnoCultural Activist I.T. Exc, Author and founder of the Cultural Literacy Project.My mission is the improve Cultural Health in the world in general and in the Black community in particular. Cultural Health is improved by reducing Cultural Poisoning and raising Cultural Literacy. With respect to Cultural Literacy I am focused on Classical African Civilization, kamet (Egypt). With Respect to Cultural Poisoning I am helping people detect it, correct it and most importantly, prevent their children from catching it.

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Hit The Link and Tell Me What U Think Cultural Health Central

My Interests

MySpace Interests section

Cultural Health, Information Technology, Robots, Tennis, Swimming, Physical Fitness, Health and Wellness, Yoga, Qi Gong, TechnoTone, Healthy Food, Classical African Civilization, Spirituality, Black, Black People, African Americans, Latinos, African Latinos, Kemet, Egypt, History, Culture

Visit: The Cultural Health Center

Visit My: Nationally Syndicated News Column

My KAmetic Name is Aunk (meaning: Key to Life).
Generate Your Kametic (Egyptian) Name Today!

Classical African Civilization Symbol Set

The Cultural Poisoning Trilogy

The formula for Cultural Health is (CH = - CP & +CL). That is, Cultural Health equals reducing Cultural Poisoning and raising Cultural Literacy. The three Kametic symbols above and our top 24 friends on the right side of MySpacce will help you with improving Cultural Health.

Below You will get a look at Cultural Poisoning up Close and personal.

The Challenge, should you decide to accept, is to restore Cultural Health

to our people world wide, one child (and/or parent) at a time.

Trilogy Videos

1. A girl like me -- Our children show u a type of Cultural Poisoning "Image Poisoning".

2. Cultural Poisoning Morphology -- What does adult Cultural Poisoning look like?

3. Culturally Healthy Youth -- The music of a young soldier from my hood


1. A Girl Like Me is the most remarkable textbook example of 21st Century Cultural Poisoning I have seen to date. It was created by a 17 year old as a film project.

WARNING! This is not easy to watch.

Put your antenna up and turn on your cultural health radar on.

A Girl Like Me


If you really want to know the Cultural Health of Adults the most direct approach is to ask their children. The bad news is that Cultural Poising exists. The good news is that it can be cured with cultural Literacy. The Parents of these children did not know the answer to the question, what makes you Black? Therefore they could not pass it on to their children as this film demonstrates. The chain of Cultural Poisoning must be broken by you, for if not you, then who?

What Makes You Black?
My Parents were Black
I Grew up Black
White People Called us Black
I am brown not black
Don't Know
Other explain

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Hay go to our group and lets talk about the video. what you can do


2. Cultural Poisoning Morphology Study

What happens when a culturally poisoned child grows up?

Michael Jackson (Childhood to Adulthood)


When a child grows up, If they have the money they will change them selves. Being Culturally illiterate they will Try to get rid of their melanin. Depending on the type of Cultural Poisoning we could get a Judge like Uncle Thomas, or a Wicked Witch From The West (Rice) or worst. WHAT TIME IS IT? Have you talked to your children lately? (includes grandchildren, children next door etc.)

Cultural Poisoning untreated can be injurious to your health!


3. Culturally Healthy Youth

What do Culturally Healthy youth sound like, listen close, Nas is on point

Nas-I Can

The Bad news is that Cultural Poisoning exist. The good news is that there is cure. Nas and I grew up in the same projects out in Queens New York at different times. Our Cultural Health has improved. Did you note Nas talked about history back to Classical African Civilization. He talked about hard work and love. These Culturally Healthy programs should be running in the bio-computers (minds) of every person.

You improve Cultural Health by reducing Cultural Poisoning and raising Cultural Literacy.

I'd like to meet:


Anyone interested in improving Cultural and Physical Health, Especially those in the entertainment business like Hip Hop talent and publishers that are in position to plant Cultural Health seeds.

The Electronic United States of Africa

*** e U S A - The New Black Pride - WorldWide! ***

Ck the map, come in country & holla @ the Peepz

e USA consists of Domes and Nomes. There are six Domes (continents) and each Dome contains Nomes (Nations) For example, the North American Dome contains the Canadian and American Nomes On the map you will see Icons that indicate where the visitors and citizens are located in eUSA.

Guest Book Overview Map

See map below for details! Click to zoom-in.
Map End


This is and ACTIVE map: Click and hold the blue water then drag the map up-down left-right to see who is in country.

- ZOOM IN on a location or cut and past the name of a person on the map into the MySpace "Search box" to see their profile page.

Stand uP straight, by standing next to us. Put yourself on the map! by putting in your friend request and visit with us.

Join us: Become a full eUSA Citizen

Visit: The eUSA Gift Shop

Talk to us: Join the eUSA discussion Group

New Africans on the risE! at home and abroad

------------------------------------------------------------ -----

Below you will note that eUSA has hundreds of visitors and citizens (Friends). You are about to meet my top 24 friends. They have all been chosen because their space can improve an aspect of your Cultural Health. One way to improve Cultural Health is to raisE your Cultural Literacy. With respect to Cultural Literacy we are focused on Classical African Civilization, Kamet (Egypt). So you will find many Cultural Soldiers in the top 24 who's space is dedicated to raising your Kametic Cultural Health. Some of the top 24 focus on culturally healthy music or raising your cultural health regarding specific ethnic groups like the 100 Million Blacks in India. Enjoy the top 24, Live and Learn!


I like Culturally Healthy music, Hip Hop, R&B, Techno, Soul, Rasta, African, etc.

An African PostCard -From Your Brothers and Sisters at Home

(The Africa we don't see on American TV)

7 Minutes

At one time I thought (as a result of Cultural Poisoning) that there were no cities in Africa.

Door or NO Return

I know we have flipped some words and made them good

For some words ("N") this is not Culturally Healthy

A leopard does not changes its spots


Door of No Return

During World War Zero (African "Slave" Trade) We lost 100 Million innocent men, women and children. Enslaved Black People were forced through this door and others, onto ships bound for the Americas, never to return to the Mother Land

Honor Your Ancestors

Abolish The "N" Word

Your use, or none use, of the "n" word, tells you something about your Cultural Health

Where you plan to go on your first trip out of America (or Blank) tells u about Your Cultural Health

Do you plan to go to Europe, or do you plan to go to Africa?

Proud to Be African (4 Min.)

For the Culturally Healthy the Answer is easy.

Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians and Europe for the Europeans

Wyclef Jean features 2Face, Sound Sultan and Faze

African Queen by 2Face ....
Hetep and Respect African Queen, here is one for you!


For more Cultully Healthy music hit the link and tell me what you think

The Culturally Healthy Music 101 Club


Political Music

George Bush Don't like Black People

*** WARNING *** If you are offended by the "N" Word don't Press play!

We will not change the use of the “N” Word, in the music in the air, until we change THE CONDITIONS DOWN HERE.





Cultural Literacy and Economic Literacy for 21st Century effectiveness

Who hijacked your Black hair care industry? How are you going to get it back?

The Black Beauty Supply Wars

Connecting the Black Dots is Culturally Healthy

Length 10 minutes

My old friend Sam's organization the Black Owned Beauty Supply Association (BOBSA) is engaged in an effort to build Black unity around retaking the economic high ground in the Black hair care industry. The Cultural Literacy Project is engaged in an effort to build Black unity around retaking the high ground in the Cultural War with Cultural Health.
BOBSA's Black dots fit on your head, the Cultural Health black dots fit in your head. Connecting these dots will change whats in your pocket. I support BOBSA, I believe it has a culturally healthy mission. If we all connect enough black dots some of them will turn green.

Malcolm said: ...If you spend your money outside your community, you should not wonder why it is poor, why you sent your money out, it is supose to be poor..."

Call to Action: make sure the peepz that do your hair are part of BOBSA , if not, bug them til they are!

Cultural Healh and Economic Health requires ACTION to gain traction.


I Recommend - Great African Thinkers

Cultural Health Center


Cultural Health Book Store


Heru, the first hero in recorded history. Ausar, Auset and Heru, the first family of Classical African Civilization, Kamet (Egypt). Hypatia daughter of Theon (great philosopher of Kamet) Drusilla Dunjee Huston, Dr. Ben, Dr. Clarke, Dr. Van, Dr. Amen, Dr. Kokayi, Garvey, Malcolm X, Dr. King, The Minster, Dr J, Dr. Vega and many other Cultural Soldiers. Some of my heroes are in my top 24 check them out.

To my Shero, my mom, who did a lot with a little!
This song is also for all the moms of the world from us nuckelheads, who did not always make things easy.

2pac - Dear Mama

Put your money were your mind is

Remember, Cultural Health takes ACTION to gain traction, no donation is to small

My Blog

Have A Culturally Healthy Holiday

2006Ramadan Karriem/Mubarak & Eid Al-Fitr (Sunni Muslims, Shi'ite, Nation of Islam), Happy Hanukah (if u Jewish), Merry Christmas-(Christians), Happy Kwanzaa & Hotep (African-Americans who're attempti...
Posted by Aunk on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 10:42:00 PST

Check out this video: PSA About Black Men

Posted By:What Black Men ThinkGet this video and more at
Posted by Aunk on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 10:33:00 PST

Check out this video: Spectacular B-Boy

Posted By:RomeL?!?!??!?!Get this video and more at
Posted by Aunk on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 03:56:00 PST

Check out this video: 3 Men and a Soccer Ball

Posted By:This Devil Has WingsGet this video and more at
Posted by Aunk on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 02:32:00 PST

Check out this video: Godfather of Hiphop Gil-Scott Heron Interviewed

Posted By:QuezGet this video and more at MySpace.comWhitEEE On the MOON...
Posted by Aunk on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 03:44:00 PST

Loose Change 911 The Inet's First Block Buster Movie

Loose Change TrailerOn the five year anniversary of 911 more then 10 million Cyber-Citizens will have viewed Loose Change, making it the first Internet Block Buster Mov...
Posted by Aunk on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 12:01:00 PST

Judge Rules - Gangsters are in the White House!

Polls indicate that most of my fellow Americans disapprove of King Bush II and the Republican crime familys running of the war on terror and the war of choice in Iraq. While these are good reasons for...
Posted by Aunk on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 11:50:00 PST

Check out this video: Aunk Swimming

Posted By:AunkGet this video and more at MySpace.comI finnaly got that turn down...
Posted by Aunk on Sat, 19 Aug 2006 01:01:00 PST