Power, Respect, Money, A well known Name, and Guns such as the new Zorg invention. The ZF-1. It's light. Handle's adjustable for easy carrying, good for righties and lefties. Breaks down into four parts, undetectable by x-ray, ideal for quick, discreet interventions. A word on firepower. Titanium recharger, three thousand round clip with bursts of three to three hundred, and with the Replay button - another Zorg invention - it's even easier. One shot... And Replay sends every following shot to the same location! And to finish the job, all the Zorg oldies-but-goldies. Rocket launcher... Arrow launcher, with exploding or poisonous gas heads... Very practical. Our famous net launcher... The always efficient flame-thrower... My favorite. And for the Grand Finale, the all new Ice Cube System!
The person with the 4 stones, Mr Shadow, Priest Vito Cornelius, Leeloo so i can get rid of her and alow Mr. Shadow to give me my money.
Anything classical, or the music of distruction. let me show you my little worker bees that i control with a single word. My transaction man Ivan heng, anything i do can be blamed on him so that i dont look like an evil man to the publics eye. My secretary Sibyl And my expindable right hand man tricky I just though you should know my fellow low workers scrapping for food.
My buissness and success movies and "the Life of Zorg"
Anything that shows off my companies and weapons
I dont have time to read but usually books about war and distruction.