Holding onto anger
is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else;
you are the one getting burned.
~ BuddhaFollowing the eightfold path of right views~ aspirations~ speech~ behavior~livelihood~efforts~thoughts and contemplation.
Militarism can't happen without a dominant mindset, certain perceptions about the world, about other cultures. So many souls, energies have a certain perception of others. They believe they're separate from each other. Such perceptions can collect into an energy agreeing upon a specific direction the country will take. The lesson is acceptance of differences. Don't forget you are a part of everything and everything is a part of you."Truth is the path to heaven above.
He who finds it right now on earth
Eludes all sufferings of rebirth.*I want to live among the wild~the forest~live truley off the land and make a house with as my walls~~~with green on my roof to cool and help the air~~to be one~~this is my dream house~~~
I want to live in a full Sustainable living lifesytle soon in my life~~
laughin and playing with my children and all children ov the world~~
~~camping and doin this wit friends
There is a wonderful law of nature that the three things
we crave most- happiness, freedom, and peace of mind-
are always attained by giving them to someone else.
children all over the world that needs to be seen~heard~loved~~there are future~~more needs to be done~~there are family~~remember that~~North Korean children suffering from malnutritionDue to severe famines, human flesh is reportedly being sold on the black market in North Korea. When the sellers are found, they are publicly executed. Starvation in North Korea appears to have reached a point where people are abandoning their humanity.Pakistan~~Eight million suffering malnutrition, 3.5 million working It's no fun to be a kid in Pakistan. Pakistan offers worse conditions for children than any other country in South Asia, partially because the government has failed to implement legislation and international conventions which would improve conditions for children, according to a study by several children's rights organisations. Poverty, bad drinking water, physical and sexual abuse and child trafficking are among the areas where society and the government have failed to establish good conditions for children~~Refugee camp victims of the Gowon/Awolowo "starvation is a legitimate weapon of war"~~~~I always have open arms to helping others~~
Click Here to sign the Darfur Petition!
I am spiritral~~i belive in many form ov energy~
spirituality** i LOOK AT IT as a two-stroke process: the "upward stroke" of inner growth changing oneself as one changes ones relationship with the external universe; and the "downward stroke" of manifesting improvements in the physical reality around oneself as a result of the inward change...The Lotus is an ancient symbol linking the lower human consciousness to the higher Self. Its seed holds all possibility. This seed is planted in darkness, veiled by the distractions that live in the murky waters. As it struggles to make its way to the surface, the Light is its only guide. As the Lotus moves from the lower realities to the higher realities, from the unmanifest to the manifest, from the darkness into Light, the Lotus is transformed from a simple seed into a Crown for Kings and Queens...forever floating on tranquil waters.
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Your aura shines Yellow!
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bugz~frogz~animalz~snakez~treez~birdz~fishz~that wish to make a diffrence in this world for them~~~
any !!!!!...any kind souls~~~I am open to all life styles~
anyone that wants to change there way ov living~
anyone that fights for animals rights~~
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anyone that is for hemp for a resource~~~
anyone that fights for the trees~~
“Through life’s trials and hardships
we arise beautiful and free.â€
— Julia Butterfly Hill
people that know everymoment is a miracleDREAMERS OV DA WORLD~~~~~
What dreaming does is give us the fluidity to enter into other worlds by destroying our sense of knowing this world...Dreaming is a journey of unthinkable dimensions, a journey that, after making us perceive everything we can humanly perceive,makes the assemblage point jump outside the human domain and perceive the inconceivable."
Carlos Castenada
I am always up to hear new or old stuff~~~depends on my mood~~i luv music.. Hit me up if you got something funky and fresh...~~~**Most of my freinds R bands I can groove to on so many diffrent levels~~*...
i love you alice b toklas..Fear and loathing...Requiem of a Dream....Clockwork Orange...Naked lunch..anything by monty python...The jerk driver...friday...half baked..the beach..fritz the cat..goodfellas...heavy metal...I know there is lotz more but I cant think of anymoe at the moment
tv rotts your brain...but when I want to rott my brain I watch the simpsons ,the 70 show and link tv...And I seam to watch alot of kids shows since I have 2 youngins...
the journey of self discovery~~~in the shadow of the shaman~reat swan meeting with ramakrishnia~~moon magicmother earth spirituality~~the projection of the astral body~anything buy terence mckenna and carlos castaneda~much more..i love to read...
all woman that stands for there rights~~~~~"A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." - Albert EinsteinI find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe. Dalai Lama