~AmyLyn~ profile picture


Learn it, Live it, Love it.........

About Me

Buried at PhotoCasket.com

I'm a a huge rock n roll fan...I have been since I was young. I got my first album when I was about 5. I grew up on The Beatles, Led Zeppelin and all the 60's and 70's bands...but soon graduated to 70's punk and 80's metal music. My music tastes is very diverse.....from The Carpenters to Motley Crue, and so on and so on. It's in my blood and will be forever. I'm an avid supporter of local bands...as well as nationally known acts. I'm a groupie in the sense of the music really.....I can't live without 'em and I love every single one of my rocker boys and girls. I have a respect for someone who goes out and fulfills their dreams. You make my life complete. Thank-you.

ATTENTION!!! If you know me..then feel free to add me. If you're seriously into wanting to make friends and chat then fine. Please...no stalkerish e-mails or posts. You freak me out when you do that. If you're trolling for a lay, you're looking in the wrong place, so please move along and go onto the next victim. Read that again please......NO.....I DON'T WANT TO HOOK UP WITH ANYONE........so your messages to "meet up" will be ignored and or deleted, depending how funny or stupid they are. I may chose to use them to metaphorically bitch slap you in public. I come here for shits and giggles...and to keep in touch with my friends, and to network with others that have similar interests. I have a life off the internet. Yes, I want to meet friends (ONCE AGAIN)....FRIENDS. Enough said.

Onto more pleasant things......

Well, I'm a full time Mother, full-time Photographer and a full-time student and teacher to myself. I'm a busy girl...but I'm always up to meeting people from all over the world.

Aside from my seemingly normal, boring life, I consider myself very creative...with a taste for the dark and erotic. Self-expression is the ultimate release. I love my artsy-fartsy alter-ego..and hope to do more with it in the future. I have an interest in the darker side of things. I have an unstopable, strange, borderline unhealthy obsession with medival folklore, myths and history. I thrive on it. I'm a collector of any history books on european history........such as the true folklore behind our childrens tales.....like Snow White, Cinderella, Bluebeard, Robin Hood. I also have countless books on Joan of Arc, witchcraft, celtic history, the Roman Empire and Greek mythology. I also have an odd interest in old, cheesy movies from the 20's and 30's....especially silent movies. The allure of them is undeniable. I love vintage jewelry and clothes and black and white film. I love the digital age...but nothing beats a good ol' B&W pic. Anything antique, used and abused with a story to tell. Classic, classic, CLASSIC. Paranormal investigations are cool. I have lots of books on the subject. There's alot that can be explained away by simple logic and common sense. In retrospect....there's so much about this earth and beyond that we don't know about and couldn't understand. Not all of them are hoaxes. Interesting....to say the least... Also, trivia always sparks my interest. Ya know...the stupid shit that noone thinks or cares about.

FYI...I have an Online Dead Journal so if you have precious time to waste, go over and check out my tantrums and blurbs! If you don't like what you read, then tough shit. Life sucks sometimes, doesn't it??


I love this website...I've always had a love for myths, folklore, medieval history, etc. I have a Unicorn tattoo... and The Eternal Phoenix will be added to my body art collection very soon. Check it out!Lady Gryphon's Mythical Realm

My Interests

Buried at PhotoCasket.com

Reading, CREATIVITY...physically and mentally, the protection and care of animals, spending time with my 3 cats...Nicodemus, Chyna and Shamhna, animal rights and the ASPCA, conservation, obsessively recycle everything ( I hate wastefulness....it makes me crazy), educating myself and learning from others, lasting periods of time with complete silence (silence is bliss), playing in the BOYS CLUB, pondering, history and folklore ** Antiquity, The Dark Ages, Medieval, Renaissance and Victorian times**, antique jewelry shopping...then thinking things like "I wonder who this belonged to? Did they love it? How did it end up here?", photographing cemeteries (I don't find them creepy...I find them peaceful), sitting on the rocks by the light house at dawn and watching the waters of Lake Michigan crawl up the sand, tigers, leopards, cheetahs ( or any of the large cats), gladiators, barbarians, celtic tribes, the druids, Romanian gypsys, pirates, hearing the fog horn blow in the night, taking very loud motorcycle rides at 3am on silent streets and hearing the rolling thunder bounce off the passing buildings, loud concerts and gleefully being in the front row.....the lights, the rush, slicing the breeze on horseback, appreciating light and shadows, living within the dark and the light, healthy balances, history of Samhain and witchcraft in modern times, breathing in fresh air, individuals who appreciate a warped sense of humor, the smell of burning leaves, camp fires and wet pine trees, unicorns and horses, gourging and endulging on sea-food (crab legs are my reason for being), giving and getting a hug from a friend I haven't seen in years, exercising....favorably running on a cool, fall evening, marital arts (I've competed in the past and won 1st place in sparring), watching my Son grow into a man, crying over stupid shit (like commercials), exploring, adrenaline rushes, understanding human emotional strengths and weaknesses, laughing, spirituality, becoming one with the mind, heart and soul, supernatural phenomenon, paranormal investigations ( I would totally love doing this...and my photography background and knowledge of electronical devices always help) , hauntings, ghosts, things that go "bump" in the night, historic religions and the scientific relics that lay in the dust for thousands of years, the Salem witch trials and the hysteria that surrounded it, the Black Dahlia murder,fear of the unknown, psychology, archaeology, having an occasional glass of champane while enjoying fine food.

I live a sober life and gave up the bar-fly lifestyle many years ago. I rarely drink (only on occasion) and don't do drugs. I've watched too many friends struggle or lose their lives because of addiction. There's nothing wrong with enjoying life....but please be responsible. Life's a gift and there's so many that throw it away. Enjoy every minute...every second. Make it count.

I'm a photographer...so I spend alot of time with a camera in my hand. I'm adverturous and like to have a great time....where ever that may be. Going to concerts during the summer is basically my full time job. Being a sometime R&R photographer is a hobby...but I'd love to do wildlife photography or filming.

******************************************** I'M A PROUD & AVID SUPPORTER OF THE ASPCA!! ASPCA OFFICIAL WEBSITE

I'd like to meet:

Your aura shines Green!
You are Bettie Page
Girl next door with a wild streak
You're a famous beauty - with unique look
And the people like you are cultish about it What Famous Pinup Are You?

Anyone that is creative and loves music. I'm classic in my tastes. I'm one of those strange, artsey girls that has been known to hang at art galleries and cafes during the day....but then I hit the divey clubs, and loose myself in our little nothing local scene at night. Very dorky...but fun. I've had the pleasure of being in the presence of some awesome people. I want to meet people who inspire me to further my creative endeavors.

PLEASE READ: Meeting new people is always fun...but a gamble. I adore kind, considerate, compassionate people. Example: I absolutely love animal lovers and those that rescue them from the clutches of heartless, worthless, abhorrent pieces of sub-human filth. I hate abusers, users, liars, etc. It's a relatively simple concept...but easier said then done. I've had enough of backstabbing, self-centered instigators. I've had enough of false friends. I keep to myself...and stay tight with people I trust.....but am more then willing to allow my trust to flow to others....if they win my trust. I'm fiercely independant....too much so sometimes (raising a child completely on your own for 19 years will do that)......to the point of being alone and enjoying it. I put my energy and dedicated the better part of my life into my Son and provided a stable, decent environment. My sacrifices have paid off....a hundred fold.....and he's a decent young man who's finding himself and starting to build his own life.....not a loser that gets in trouble, runs around acting like an ass ( like sooooo many young men his age). I've came to the happy conclusion that I will die a lonely old maid.....and I'm content with it. Call it an "issue"...call it fear....call it whatever you want. I hate ass-kissers and ego-strokers. I'd rather be honest then participate in the mechanical head-nodding that I've seen time and time again. I love to learn from others and hear different opinions about subjects...as long as everyone stays in check and behaves. I love people that can win the intellectual arguement and do so by means of the higher ground. I adore my close friends... I can be the best friend in the world...or your worst enemy. I'd rather be locked in a room by myself for the rest of my life...knowing I'm being true to myself and those I care about, then deal with the endless parade of bullshit/drama/nonsense that constantly occurs on the internet and elsewhere. I took an extended leave of absense from the cyber space for a long time. Life is too short, and frankly, I don't have the time or patience to deal with it. DRAMA QUEENS NEED NOT APPLY. Time is precious...don't ever waste it....and please don't waste mine. Keep it real. I try my best to keep in touch with as many as I can....but my online time is very limited. Don't take it personally if I don't respond back to you. It's a matter of the time I'm allowed. Hopefully in the future, I will be back up and running at home. Until then, this is it.

After you die...
Guardian Angel

After death, you will exist as a guardian angel in order to protect your still-living loved ones. You might even inspire a classic Christmas movie.

..tr height="23"
Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com

You are the Empress card. The Empress is the
archetype of the Mother. She creates and
nurtures life. She represents the abundance of
Mother Earth. The Empress is capable of using
nature in a productive way. She espouses art
for art's sake. Her planet is Venus, and she
embodies love of beauty and a strong value
system. Here is also found initial sensation.
This is the first really physical experience of
the world that The Fool has entered. The
Empress has a rich understanding of the world
based on her five senses. In a reading, The
Empress represents pregnancy, actual or
metaphorical. She indicates an act of creation
and a sensual experience of beauty. The Empress
is a nurturing force that wishes to see the
product of her experiences reach the next stage
of development. Image from A Photographic Tarot

Which Tarot Card Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


You Are 30% Evil
A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well.
In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil. How Evil Are You?
You are Nikki Sixx's Groupie.

What rockstar's groupie are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I love most of the 80's R&R ( To many to name.....just think of an 80's group that had moderate success. I can guarantee that I owned at least 1 album....2 if they made it that far). Motley Crue, LA Guns, Poison , Whitesnake, Ratt, Warrant, but also David Bowie, Alice Cooper, Rob Zombie, Marilyn Manson, Led Zepplin, The Who, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Black Sabbath, Enya, Irish Folk music, Deep Purple, Styx, The Moody Blues, etc, etc, etc. I'm a child of the 80's. I also like alot of alternative music and modern music....but alot of modern music sucks. I love the 60's, 70's era......especially the mellow rock and cheesy AM radio classics. Have a guilty pleasure of disco and dance music. Anything with a bellowing beat and loud as hell!!

I absolutely love anything written and composed by Danny Elfman or Jim Steinman.

I grew up loving the New York scene...Ramones ( RIP :( ), Blondie ( my all time favorite), Talking Heads. I love the old school punk like the Dead Boys. I also love old Ziggy Stardust & Sex Pistols. I've also had a taste for the goth scene for years. (This section will be edited alot...cuz there's too many to name!)


Goodfellas, Eyes Wide Shut ( especially the masked ball scene ) 300,The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, North Country, Nosferatu, Stigmata, Alexander, 8 MM, Monster-In-Law, The Crow, Stars Wars Trilogy (especially Part III), The Exorcism of Emily Rose, Rosemarys Baby, Kingdom Of Heaven, Pulp Fiction, Monster, Titanic, Sleepy Hollow, Practical Magick, Boogie Nights, The Witches, Bound, The Crucible, Scream, The Elephant Man, Wonderland, Seabiscuit, Pink Floyd the Wall, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Blow, American Beauty, Rock Star, ScarFace, Casino, Kiss the Girls, The Hunger, Interview With the Vampire, Braveheart, Gladiator, The Fly, Rear Window, Robin Hood, The Messenger, Ever After, Silver Bullet, Heathers, The Seed of Chucky, Rocky Horror Picture Show, JFK, Showgirls, Body Double and The Alien movies are my favorites! I'm a movie junkie PERIOD!!! I'll watch just about anything!


The SOPRANOS ( will love love it until the end of time ), DOG The Bounty Hunter, Mythbusters ( how cool is that show...they get to use guns, fire, and explosives ). Ghost Hunters on Sci-Fi, Cold Case Files, Animal Precinct, Eye of the Leopard, Animal Heroes, The First 48, The Dog Whisperer, Going Tribal, Cold Case Files ( I love criminal justice shows), American Justice, or anything on A&E, OZ, Six Feet Under, Man vs Wild, The Autopsy series, anything on HBO, the History channel, Discovery orThe National Geographic Channels, sappy TV movies, true crime shows or whatever I can find at the time that interests me.


Candle-making books/guides, Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West, The Black Dahlia Files: The Mob, the Mogul, and the Murder That Transfixed Los Angeles, The Dirt, The Bell Witch : The Full Account - Pat Fitzhugh, Encyclopedia of Serial Killers, Hunting Humans, anything by Stephen King, Anne Rule. Sybil, When Rabbit Howls, Anything doing with european medieval folklore and history ( I have countless books on these subjects), anything about the Celts, Druids, By Oak, Ash, & Thorn: Modern Celtic Shamanism, the history of christianity, Witchcraft in England, Joan of Arc, King Arthur, Merlin, The Da Vinci Code, The Qur'an, The Dead Sea Scrolls, etc...etc.


..I actually have many heroes that I look up too. I love people that stand up for what is right, despite pressures from the opposition. I can't stand spineless cowards that go along for the ride....even when they know that ride goes against what they believe....or could hurt someone else. I hate followers, cattiness, narcissistic chumps and self-glorifing attention whores. The world doesn't revolve around you and you're no better then anyone else........so get over yourself.

My Blog

Farewell to The Sopranos....

Better late then never I guess......Very interesting, to say the least. Yes, the desired effect came true. I just jumped out of my seat and almost called the cable company.Seriously...some innocent cu...
Posted by AmyLyn on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 09:58:00 PST

Happy Mid-Year Day!

It's June 15th. Yup, at approximately 12 noon, it will be half-way through the year. I can't believe how quickly this year has gone.Time seems to fly faster when you're getting older.......Have a good...
Posted by AmyLyn on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 08:54:00 PST

6 weeks later....

....and still going strong. I haven't had one smoke or even a drop of caffiene. I swear. Sunday afternoon will officially be 6 weeks, and I'm so happy about it.I don't even miss cigarettes anymore. I ...
Posted by AmyLyn on Fri, 18 May 2007 09:58:00 PST


Here I go........a major life change. This took root in a matter of moments.......blind-sided from the last one I thought would ever.Here's the story: My family went out to brunch on Sunday/Easter aft...
Posted by AmyLyn on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 01:06:00 PST

More pics........for those that care

Yeah, last night I continued with my project to sort through the thousands of pics I've accumulated through my life. Found a few that I added. There's more to come. Some might surprise you......especi...
Posted by AmyLyn on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 07:14:00 PST

For The Dog Fans and supporters....... proposed resolution

Here's the Hawaii State House of Representatives' resolution (H.R. 29) in support of the Chapmans, which will be the subject of public testimony and voting next Wednesday, March 7, 2007. The Resolutio...
Posted by AmyLyn on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 05:02:00 PST

It's about frickin' time....

Yup....got some new pics up finally. I've been asked a few times about why I haven't updated my pics. I don't go around asking peeps to take a snap shot. In fact, I hate having my pic taken. You could...
Posted by AmyLyn on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 08:40:00 PST


Just wanted to thank everyone who sent me lovely birthday wishes. Y'all are so damn sweet. Yup, I can officially state that "I'm pushing 40" now....and I found 3 grey hairs last weekend. I can still f...
Posted by AmyLyn on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 11:10:00 PST

I'm completely blown away and speechless......

I don't know what else to say.......... please read and help if you can.I posted about Utah...and now we have another state that won't get with it. This should be a felony, across the board...and in e...
Posted by AmyLyn on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 06:44:00 PST

Would someone please tell these FUCKTARDS how funny they are?!?!

Really....I mean it. They are so fucking amusing that it's scary. Call me petty all you want. You can fuck off. :( I'm all for the troops........but for these guys, I'll gladly change my mind. Yeah, y...
Posted by AmyLyn on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 10:02:00 PST