Member Since: 7/14/2006
Band Members: Brother Bob is my on the side often solo musical creations. It is an outlet of my original music , mostly works in progress , ideas or just thoughts of what it will become. Most likely these songs will be integrated into the BackRoads Band's playlist in the near future if not already..The BackRoads Band is made up of Kevin Foutch, David Foutch, Bob Foutch (me),Trent Renshaw, and Tony Chaney.
Influences: The soul...those moments in life that can not be expressed through words only described through music.....Love and relationships..and all the great music I have been exposed to thanks to my Family and Friends
Sounds Like: A cool wind blowing down your back that makes you want to shiverHeader Banner Made with! Click here to make your own!
Record Label: Foutch Records
Type of Label: None