This IS an ALL Motorcycle Event in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin
April 12 - Bowl For A Cure at Rock River Lanes, Ft. Atkinson
June 7 - Bikini Bike Wash at Sunset Bar & Grill, Lake Koshkonong, live band TBA
2008 Ride 4 Cure agendaFriday June 27th:Local "poker run" - registration 4-6pm with a freestyle motorcycle stunt show, location TBA. JBX Freestyle with Joey B. Drawing @ 9pm. $10 a personLive Music starting at 4pm with The David Marshall Band at 7pmSaturday June 28th:FFA Alumni breakfast 7 - 11am. $7Live music starting at 4pm with "Wicked Lily" and "CHERRY PIE" to begin at 7pm.125 mile Holy Hill ride with 6 stops. 9am registration and sign in. $25 per person. (pre-register by June 14th, will include meal).Pre-register @ Sunset Bar & Grill on Lake Koshkonong, Ley’s Bark River Lanes in Rome or soon to be online @ www. ride4cure. com.NOTE: The Holy Hill ride includes unique non-alchoholic stops and bar stops. Feel free to visit the Holy Hill Shrine on your way through. This ride is not just for Harleys! We want all makes of bikes to participate. If you dont have a bike, drive your car!!Food will be provided by Fuddruckers both days. Miller Lite girls will be there and a guest from the UW Badgers!!
Take a moment to go to the pages of some of our friends. Read their stories. See how cancer has effected the lives of innocent people. Why does it have to happen? Why does it have to take away our children whom never had a real chance? Why does it have to take away our mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, family and friends? WHY!!!I dont have all the answers I just know that we need to help out in anyway that we can and Ride For A Cure is one step!