PUNK NITE is a series of punk rock shows that local promoter PunkNiteMike started in October 2002! Punk Nite is now almost 4 years old & going stronger than ever! So bands wanting to play, get in touch! And just so you know, THESE shows book up WAY in advance! The best advice I can give to you bands who are wanting to play a Punk Nite show is to just play as many shows as you can, promote yourself and of course come check out one of my Punk Nite shows! And I don't just book local bands as I really like bringing in out of town bands for these shows! In fact, I usually TRY to put at least 1 out of state band on each of my shows!
Also, if you are a band & we can't work out a Punk Nite date, I can still help ya out in getting some shows in Ohio as I have done booking + promotion locally for a good 5 years now, yes I'm a promoter!!! I have several good contacts in the Dayton, Columbus & Cincinnati areas that I can at least pass on to you! I can at least ask some of the other venues & promoters that I know to help you out, so don't hesitate to ask me for a specific date if you are going on tour or something! Plus, any bands who would want to help some of the bands I work with come out to your area, please let me know as I'm all about trading shows!
Also, PunkNiteMike 's favorite bands will be hosted here instead of on my other PunkNiteMike personal account!
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