Blueberries, kiwi, pre-made sandwiches, rice, chickpeas, carrots, millet, apples, bananas, kale, spinach, Tofutti ice cream, granola, quinoa, nectarines, tortillas, soy milk, eggs from free-roaming hens, Tofurky deli slices, tomatoes, fresh basil, bulk shampoo, hand made soaps, fair trade chocolate, tea leaves, trail mix, local tofu, bean sprouts, sourdough bread, oatmeal rasin cookies, raspberry turnovers, etc.
students, activists, lawyers, musicians, dancers, actors, singers, doctors, professors, fire fighters, priests, writers, judges, skaters, chefs, interior design consultants...anyone and everyone interested in supporting local, organic, and environmentally friendly products.
Store Wars. It's a play on Star Wars and is about all the chemicals and junk that are in non-organic foods. The 5 minute film is hilarius and features Darth Tater, Obe Wan Cannoli, Chewbroccoli, and Tofu D2. Check it out: