*J-ROOGA*J-Rooga, started rapping in 1997 with the Bad Boy movement taking place. At a young age he was impressed by the power of hip hop so he wanted to pursue a career in rap. In 2002 he meant Jamel Lenard also known as "Lexxington " one half of LNS Productions. At that time he was looking for rappers, so J-Rooga told him "I can rap" and J-Rooga said a verse to him. Before he can finish Lex stopped him and told him that he wanted J-Rooga to go to the studio with him. Do to J-Rooga attending College at UTA in Texas, studio time was put on hold, but he was doing local talent shows in Arlington, TX and even made his student newspaper that has a readership of 25,000 +. When he returned to his hometown of Brooklyn, NY in the summer of 2003 he and LNS Productions didn’t waste time in making his first album "From Brownsville to Texas" which was rated 4 of 5 stars in the same newspaper that did a article on him before. He Created his own record label called The Crunch Time Click" which was named after his cousin Alvin "Crunch Tyme" Rodriguez. He currently has four other artist working with him. their names are: Rell, Scheme, Q-Bezzel and big Neil. Currently, he is also part of his cousins Record Label Gutta INC. with his Cousin DJ S.Gutta as the C.E.O. of the label. J-Rooga’s Next Album "Crunch Time" is due out in late January under LNS Productions*HOLLA H*Seen alot been throught alot and im still here cant nothing stop me" sounds like a quote form a movie but its not its just one of the baisc princapals that one queens bread artist lives bye. That artist is Holla H born september 1981 in South Side Jamiaca Queens Holla H was no stranger to what the mean streets can do to u if u let ya gaurd down and his mother knew all to well that if left unattendid he would soon find himself walking that same path that clamied so many before him. So in an attempt to keep him busy she palced him in several choirs because at an early age he showed a passion for muisc and perfoming so she figured that would be the prefect way to satisfy both his needs and for a long time she was right it did. Being involved in that muisc enviroment incressead creativty and also gave him an outlet to express himself so by the early age of 5 he was performing on stage by the age of 10 he was writing his own songs by the age of 12 he knew that music was something that he wanted to do for the rest of his life. But in 1996 music began to hit the back burner after the death of his step father Holla H became more distant he devloped a mean atitude wich often landed him in many fights he started to skip school smoke and stay out late he would do anthing to keep his mind off the lost of his father figure. Soon he descorverd that the way he was heading would only lead to two things being dead or being in jail and he wasnt fond of either choice so he diecied to get his life toghter and go back to his frist love music but this time it was all of nothing. being armed with new life expriences and a whole new i gotta make attitude Holla H began wirting hooks for some of his friends that were starting to make a name for them selves in the rap game he also began writing rap verses for himself wich was an easy transtion because he was already use to writing rnb songs he soon began to link his verse’s with his hooks and complete whole songs wich he kept to himself until 1999 when he teamed up with his child hood friends to start Gutta I.N.C.soon after the gutta inc was started the members began to push Holla H to due talent shows which would be extacly what he needed to launch his promising carier and would also give a chance to hone his nact for stage performance which is exactly what he did. After one of the talent shows some of the rappers that were involved in the show gatered outside to stage a rap sypher wich was exatcly what he needed to dispaly one of his hidden talents during the sypher Holla H tradeded verses with who ever was bold enough to enter the sypher by the time it was all said and done the crowd and the members that were thier form gutta inc new that he had something spiecal and they would not let him forget it. Child hood friend S.Dot Gutta soon became his acting manger booking every thing fromstudio time to finding beats for holla h to put his swager on S.dot Gutta also being rooted in the dj community started puting out mixtapes so the new artist would have an outlet to put his music on. Ever since then Holla H has placed tracks on numiors mixtapes he as also worked with numiors up and coming producers such as LnS production, Will Sullivan, Alley Cat, and Milliz Million. With his rnb roots, staright up delivery and talk about what ever he wanna talk about style Holla H is truly a multidieminsonal artist a true fresh of breath air*KAY GUTTA*
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