All of the Arts-both classic and contemporary, reading, yoga, Jungian astrology, belly-dancing, Indian cuisine, ancient mythologies and comparitive religions, ruffling an occasional stodgy feather or two, creek walks, and Pacific Tree Octopae...Is the point not to sound too strange? I am also a closet writer and studio artist.
Friends, other Arts' Educators, Musicians and Students of all ages.
Anything Good. My tastes are extremely varied but discerning. (she said with her nose in the air)
Love 'em
Rarely watch. No, really. Life's too short.Occasionally watch House, Scrubs, The Office, shows that have one word in the title.
yes, yes, yes! Usually as many as possible at the same time.
My parents and in-laws, even though the dads have passed on. Single parents and ordinary people trying to do the right thing. Every woman in childbirth. (Joseph Campbell)