Saffronbitch profile picture



About Me

Not much to tell. Deeply in love with my husband of 18yrs, we have four (mostly) fabulous children and have travelled up and down the eastern coast of Australia. Would love to get over to Perth sometime.

Myspace Layouts by

02 9037 2470 *4104686

My Interests

Have had a deep love of the theatre since school.I also love curling up with a great book. I love crafts of many kinds, including cross stitch (which I haven't really been able to do for two years now) and scrapbooking, which I manage to do a couple of times a year. I used to make all the cards we gave out, but as all my craft stuff has been packed for the last two years, that has temporarily fallen by the way side. I have tried my hand at a number of other crafts, some I enjoyed more than others.

I'd like to meet:



Many types and many bands. Taxiride, of course, Icehouse,Matchbox Twenty and Evanescence,Blessed Union of Souls,Elvis, The Big O,Jewel and Alanis Morissette, Queen, The Corrs, Janet, John Farnham, Michael Crawford, John Stevens, Rick Price,Mental As Anything, Southern Sons, Richard Marx. One of my newest finds is Nick Black.



Where would one begin??? There have been hundreds of worthwhile and/or entertaining movies made. One of my all time favs is Highlander. Stargate. The Princess Bride (mostly for Mandy Patinkin), Serenity. Also really loved The Rocky Horror Picture Show....I love that it's way out there.


Mostly boring rubbish, although I do enjoy House and Ghost Whisperer.Criminal Minds. Lots of the things I love aren't on tv anymore.... Buffy, Angel, Dark Angel, Firefly, Tru Calling, Farscape, Bab 5...... You get the idea.


Again....where does one begin???? I love Katherine Kerr and Sara Douglass, Maggie Furey. Mostly I choose a book not by author but because the subject matter interests me. One, of course, may lead to the other." "



haha ..

My Blog

Tests are in

Okay folks......Thank whatever God or Deity it is that you believe in..... I just got off the phone with our doctor, he has finally managed to get hold of our daughter's blood test results, and it's ...
Posted by Saffronbitch on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 11:30:00 PST

Medical ’Profession’?

Perhaps someone can explain to me why the medical profession is so stupid.  When we had to take our youngest daughter to the hospital last week the doctor who saw her (who was great by the way), ...
Posted by Saffronbitch on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 04:20:00 PST

That was the week that was.

Hello all my wonderful myspace friends. I just thought that I'd let you in on what's been happening in our lives over the last week. This has been a trying and testing time for us. As some of you will...
Posted by Saffronbitch on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 05:31:00 PST

Future Role Models Rock My World

Okay everybody,it's time for me to blah, blah, blah for a little while. We were asked recently to travel from Queensland to Sydney, to see a friend of ours launching his new band. The band is called '...
Posted by Saffronbitch on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 07:14:00 PST

Check Nick Black ;)

Yeah.....What she said!!!----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Nick Black Street Team - BrisneylandDate: 16 Aug 2007, 07:14 AMI keep telling you all.......ADD NICK BLACK!!! Do it.....
Posted by Saffronbitch on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 07:56:00 PST


While on the subject of thanking people that I don't even know....I would also like to thank the person who turned in our eldest daughter's wallet last week. You restore my faith in the basic honesty ...
Posted by Saffronbitch on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 11:19:00 PST

Sirromet 2

By the way....I want to send a huge thank you out to the person who handed in my daughter's phone. Thank you, thank you, thank you. She's only had it for a week or two and we had only bought her a pou...
Posted by Saffronbitch on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 11:46:00 PST

Taxiride @ Sirromet

Saturday the 28th of July 2007, was an absolute pearler of a day. After some initial piss-farting around in the morning, we loaded the kids into the car and headed off to the Sirromet food and wine f...
Posted by Saffronbitch on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 03:20:00 PST

Hollow songs (Thanks Nick)

If you like what you hear here, please visit Nick Black's merchandise page and purchase the album, or get it on I-tunes ...
Posted by Saffronbitch on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 10:48:00 PST

Pic of Nick Black

This picture was taken right outside the studio.How cute is this????SB
Posted by Saffronbitch on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 08:08:00 PST