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Vadim Music France

Vadim Music France Rare grooves & Reissues

About Me

Set up at the end of 2003, Vadim Music is the French specialist in reissues of rare albums from the 60s, 70s and 80s. Legal shop window of labels Pulp Flavor and Dare-Dare (set up in 1996)
The label counts about fifty references among which Jean-Jacques Perrey, Roger Roger, Janko Nilovic, Ben and The Platano, Johannes Fehring and the ORF Big Band, Erica and Chiquinho or Pop Instrumental de France... You can also find compilations such as Dingo, Brazilian sounds from Paris, MP 2000 classics or Dou Da Dou The unlimited French Lostcatalogue - Phase one
Vadim Music proposes via its online shop the best of reissues released in Europe and in the USA with at this day some 1700 regular customers through Europe.
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J anko Nilovic - Last Impressions (remixes)

Including several remixes by incredible DJs from Europe and USA (Kid Loco, Minimatic, Gd David, Roudoudou, The Big Knife, 7Samourai, MJA, Cucumber, DJ Day, Casbah 73, DJ Farrapo... .


Parties Fines

Parties Fines... This soft but so sexy compilation ... including the best & rariest tracks from 70’s French erotic movies. Listen Disco Circus by P ierre Bachelet on the player.

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Joe Fender

Before the end of the year the two expected 70's reissues: Joe Fender and The Butterflies in direct from Germany. Listen Todo Bien by Joe Fender on the player.

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Dont Kill me Johnny!

Dont Kill me Johnny! The unlimited French Lostcatalogue - Phase Two.


Janko Nilovic - Last Impressions (originals)
CD -VAD013CD & 2X LP - VAD013LP - Dec 2007. Listen Aerospacial on the player.

Last Impressions combines in a single volume, most of the tracks included in Impressions Vol.1 and Impressions Vol.2 which we proposed you in 2000. The CD booklet (12 pages) includes a biography signed by Pierre Noblet (see extract below) and the vinyl is a 2X LP .

“When the majority of radios, TV stations and audiovisual departments busied themselves getting rid of their obsolete and bulky stocks of vinyl in the mid 90s, the world looked on, bemused, at the huge piles of strange records which had, until this point, been reserved uniquely for industry professionals and were inaccessible to the average music lover. The door was opened wide to discovering the sheer variety and richness of library music produced in the 60s and 70s. DJs, producers and the more adventurous of music fans quickly identified the hot spots in this vast territory, and lists of ‘most wanted’ records began to circulate discretely, with the names of the composers to look out for being repeated over and over.
And so the name Janko Nilovic quickly became synonymous with quality and originality within the meanders of library music where, more often than not, creating fillers is the order of the day...”

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"Les gants blancs du diable" (OST 1970)
CD & LP - Nov 2007. Listen Kidnapping on the player.

Within the oh so elusive club of the cult soundtrack, there exists one rare record which provokes a deep fascination and evokes a unique charm for those having heard of it, or those lucky enough to have listened to it (but an exclusive few). A veritable Holy Grail, relentlessly pursued by many, each hoping, one day, to own a copy of this unique and unrivalled work.
Les Gants Blancs du Diable simply isn’t like other records. Its preciousness comes, first of all, from the fact that it was never re-edited (neither on CD nor vinyl), before Vadim Music’s release, and that the rare copies in circulation suffered from a slight sound degradation, the result of a fault at the time of pressing.

Regardless of any imperfections of the technical kind, the music encompassed within its precious grooves instantaneously reveals its dreamlike and addictive character from the very first listen.
A drug for the senses, opening the doors wide into a fantasy world, shaped by unique musical forms: jazz tempos played on tablas and grooved with free form sitars, chords at the abyss’s very brink, held back by reassuringly rounded bass sounds, lightening electricity escaping from epileptic guitars, and the voice of an angel singing the colours of magic, existing only within this music.

Somewhere between feline jazz, crazed orchestral pop, opiate jerk and lunar funk, the music turns on its multiple charms, seemingly led by a longing for both violence and calm, the driving force behind the record’s dramatic power.A power culminating in its two emblematic themes, Utopia and Couleurs, breathtaking and elegant melodies, casting a radiant light across all in their path.

A tragic beauty, somewhat reminiscent of the sombre notes of the La Planète Sauvage soundtrack, another hidden treasure from the 70s.
At the helm of this strange vessel we find a certain Karl-Heinz Schäfer, a discreet arranger of German origin, having led from the shadows of French studios (for Christophe, The Rockets and Claude Ciari amongst others...) and who would subsequently go on to writing other soundtracks, with varied success (La Grande Trouille, Zig Zig, L'Empreinte des Géants, Extérieur Nuit, Polar).

The music from Les Gants Blancs du Diable entirely surpasses the (minor) status of the Laszio Szabo film for which it was written, breaking its way free to attain its status as a totally independent and complete work.
Pierre "Le chiffre" Noblet - Scopia

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JACK AREL Chappell Recorded Music Library Works - Originals & Remixes
2xLP - VAD010LP & 2xCD - KOC1001- May 2007
Including revisited versions by Luke Vibert, Le Tone, Marc Collin, Telepopmusik, Mowo, Shawn Lee's Ping Pong Orchestra...

Jack Arel, the French library music legend, is renown for his work on the Chappell label during the late '60s and early '70s. His collaborations with Jean-Claude Petit and Pierre Dutour can be heard on several compilations released over the years, but this Vadim music/Koka media 2xCD & 2xLP set goes two steps further by digging deeper into the original catalogue and offering an exciting batch of remixes. As was apparent on the Ennio Morricone remix projects, the quality of a remix can really depend on the quality of the original material. By working with Jack Arel's fantastic tracks, the remixers manage to create some of the most appealing electronica this reviewer has heard in quite a while. Highly recommended.
Kris Spencer for - april 2007
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CD - VAD011CD - April 27
Vadim Music presents Solar Flares one of the most sought-after and rare jewels among library albums. From the vaults of Peer International Library comes this futuristic masterpiece created in 1974 by Norwegian-born composer Sven Libaek.
Featuring sounds produced by a custom-built synthesizer, this work mixes elements of jazz, soul, funk, easy listening, spacey electronics and launches you into a world of interstellar grooves, rhythms and beats. For this recording session, Sven Libaek insisted onusing only the best sessions players of the time. As a result, this performance features some of the most revered names of Australian jazz, including Don Burrows, Erroll Buddle, George Golla, Johnny Sangster and Ed Gaston.
Since library records were not available commercially, many have been entombed in radio sheds, film studios and television station vaults, waiting for enthusiasts to come and bring them out of the darkness and into the spotlight. Among the fortunate is the legendary Solar Flares : one of the most original records ever put on wax and an essential addition to any collection of this genre.
David Soundsville - 2 RRR 88.5fm - Sidney

My Interests


Member Since: 7/12/2006
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Record Label: Dare-Dare / Les Disques Cassés / Vadim Music
Type of Label: Indie