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Her breath caught in my throat and I carry Her whisper now on my tongue

About Me

Living in Two worlds one gregarious. Hanging out with various writers, artists, musicians, rock stars and models. Thee other Reclusive. Painting and drawing, whilst cavorting with Succubi in a darkened roomA Self taught artist with works in a number of collections throughout Europe and the U.S, a Musician. And an Occultist. And a groove machine. A sensualist. An intellectual love god in his spare timeOscar Wilde so wisely stated: "A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament. Its beauty comes from the fact that the author is what he is. It has nothing to do with the fact that other people want what they want. Indeed, the moment that an artist takes notice of what other people want, and tries to supply the demand, he ceases to be an artist, and becomes a dull or an amusing craftsman, an honest or dishonest tradesman. He has no further claim to be considered as an artist."want to know more. Just Ask In Moments of Madness

EGREGOREPRESS: In Moments of Madness This book has sex, blood, gods in the flesh, an avenging angel, crazy people, vampires, strange dreams, Artificial Intelligence, a shady antiquities dealer and a magic wand. What more could you ask for in a volume of 'dark reading'? and the cover Art is by me!!!

Click HERE Ther are also other dark and mystical books of arcane subjects dealing with Metaphysics, Magick, Alchemy, the Occult, Angels and Watchers, Dark Art and more

My Interests

Art and Art History, particularly the Belgian Symbolist movement. Jean Delville, Fernand Khnopff. The Meta realist Diana Vandenberg. Rossetti and Burne Jones. Austin Osman Spare. Lucian Freud. Blake. Goya. Gusave Dore. The writings of Austin Osman Spare. Harry H Crosby. Kenneth Grant. Alistair Crowley. Umberto Eco. Philip K Dick. The Typhonian Ordo Templi Orientis.Japanese Horror. Cats we have Five. The sound of footsteps on freshly raked gravel. Abandoned flop houses. Altered States. Independent Film. Narcolepsy. Photography. Japan. Dreaming. Ambiguous eyebrow movements. Cabinets of curiosity. Eccentricity with elegance. Anarchist accordion players who follow me around and play their duets at all the appropriate times. King Mob. Film noir vixens and B move villains. Sideways stares. messages penned in invisible ink. The nature of Belief. in-between waking and sleeping. Narrow cobblestone side streets. Nietzsche's philosophy. Paranoia and Perception. Poppies and Lily's. Artists and their studios. Baudelaire's Poems. e.t.c

I'd like to meet:

The Sea of Perdition


Fields of the Nephilim, NFD, The Sisters of Mercy, Devilish Presley, The Dogs d'amour, PJ Harvey, The Clash, The Adverts, The Killers, David Bowie, The Damned, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, Madonna, Adam Ant, R E M, The Stone Rose's, The Prodigy, Kate Bush, T Rex, New York Dolls, Bob Dylan, The Jam, Pattie Smith, The Ramones, Muse, The Chemical Brother's, New Model Army, Thirteenth Floor Elevators, Suede, Green Day, Goldfrapp, Roky Erickson, Kiyle Minoge, Ramstine, Smashing Pumpkins, The Pixies, Johnny Cash, Dead Boys, Faster Pussycat, Placebo, The Distillers, Mark Almond, Lords of the New Church, Psychic Tv, James, The Cure, Rolling Stones-Early stuff with Brian Jones, Garbage, K L F, Mc 5, Manic Street Preachers, The Bravery, Red Hot ChilePepers, Roxy Music, Generation X, John Lennon.etc


The Phanton Tollbooth, The Wicker Man, Rumble Fish, Angel Heart, A Prayer For The Dying, Until the end of the World, Night Watch, Memento, If, Audition, Brotherhood of the Wolf, Delicatessen, Drugstore Cowboy, Suspiria, Once upon a Time in the West, House of a 1000 Corpses, Barbarella, Razor Blade Smile, The Devils Rejects, Nadia, Apocalypse Now, Altered States, Citizen Kane, Mahler, Blade runner, Get Carter, Hardware, The Blues Brothers, Aguirr' Wrath Of God, Night Of The Hunter, Performance, The Devils, Aria, Anazapta, Salome's Last Dance, Meshes of the Afternoon, Battle Royal, Battle Royal II: Requiem, The Night Porter, Ghost In The Shell, Blood Simple, Dust Devil, Strange Days, Wings of Desire, Akira, Zardoz, Eureka, Sin City, The Ninth Gate, The Ring-Trilogy-Japanese, The Haunting-Original 1963, Event Horizon, Withnail And I, Sleuth, PayBack, The Name of the Rose, Chinatown, Entertaining Mr Sloane, The Butterfly Effect, The Legend of Hell House, The Grudge-Japanese, Dead Man, In the Mouth of Madness, Blue Velvet, Loot, The Matrix-Trilogy, Night of the Demon, Taxi Driver, Pitch Black, A Streetcar Named Desire, Women in Love, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Donni Darko, Lord of the Rings-Trilogy, The Sin Eater. etc


Which Firefly Character Are You?
You are River Tam! Your brother saved you from the Alliance, who messed with your mind to turn you into a living weapon. They want you back very badly, so you have to stay a step ahead of them. You don't make a whole lot of sense to your shipmates. You seem to live in several worlds at once, and can't focus on any one of them for long. You're plagued by thoughts and feelings you can't control. Your spooky and erratic behaviour is disturbing to the crew, but your semi-supernatural abilities sometimes make up for it by saving the day -- even when they've put you all in danger in the first place.
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The Book Of Pleasure-Austin Osman Spare, Hermetech-Storm Constantine, The Invisibles-Grant Morrison, Watchmen-Alan Moore, The Focus of Life-Austin Osman Spare, Blake-Peter Ackroyd, The Great God Pan-Arthur Machen, One Hundred Years of Solitude-Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Aleph-Storm Constantine, The Shifting Realities of Philip K. Dick: Selected Literary and Philosophical Writings-Philip K Dick, Every Dead Thing-John Connolly: all John Connolly's Books about Charlie Parker. From the Ashes of Angels-Andrew Collins, Freedom is a Two Edged Sword- John Jack Parsons, Baudolino-Umberto Eco, Stalking Tender Prey- Storm Constantine, The Exqinox Vol I numbers I-X-Alister Crowley, Foucault's Pendulum-Umberto Eco, The Crying of Lot 49-Thomas Pynchon, Book Of Enoch, Against the Light-Kenneth Grant, The Golden Dawn: An Account of the Teachings, Rites and Ceremonies of the Order of the Golden Dawn-Israel Regardie, Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods of Haiti-Maya Deren, V for Vandeta-Alan Moore, Sex and Rockets-John Carter, A Wizard of Earthsea-Ursula K. Le Guin, Imajica-Clive Barker, Black Sun-Geoffrey Wolff, The Wasp Factory-Ian Banks, The Eye in the Triangle-Alister Crowley, Johnathan Strange and Mr Norell-Susanna Clarke, The Heart of Darkness-Joseph Conrad, The Magicans of the Golden Dawn-Ellic Howe, The Divine Comedy-Dante Alighieri. etc

My Blog

back on line sought of

hiya allback on line but not properly back until some time next weekFreisha broke her arm last Fri so there has been lots of hanging about at hospital the past few daysgive you a full update next week...
Posted by Nathan on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 02:14:00 PST