Cobweb profile picture


Mot - be broken! Shataqat - be strong!

About Me

Cobweb lives in a little house at the edge of the world with his wife Kt and his cat Sekhmet. He is very unlikely to eat your eyes and he likes cows.

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My Interests

I'm interested in everything, but you need to start somewhere. Unfortunately I started by trying to find out everything that has happened so far...which is quite a big subject. I got as far as Middle Eastern mythology and haven't got any further yet. I also paint and sculpt, because I need more space in my head and have to get ideas out of it and into the real world. I also love dressing up, because sometimes the easiest thing to paint or sculpt is yourself. I hate sports and abstract exercise is just unnatural so I fence to stop myself becoming a brain in a jar. I've no interest in modern fencing as a sport, but I study 16th/17th Century Italian Rapier and I'm begining to branch out a bit into sabre and other things. It keeps me fitish, I enjoy it and it's inherently cool, even if I'm not that good.

I'd like to meet:

My Maker (I have a few modifications I'd like to discuss with Her)CURRENT MOON moon phases


In vagely chronological order I have listened to and been influenced by: Peter Gabriel, Pink Floyd, Hawkwind, Marillion, Yes, Leonard Cohen, Fields of the Nephilim, New Model Army, Steeleye Span,The Sisters of Mercy, The Mission, Bauhaus, Fish, GBH, Angelic Upstarts, The Sex Pistols, The Whiskey Priests,The Dogs D'Amour, Tiger Tailz, Guns N Roses, Carter USM, Pop Will Eat Itself, Duran Duran, Adam and the Ants, Thompson Twins, Dead or Alive, Dead Can Dance, Christian Death, Rosetta Stone, Children On Stun, Redemption, Rozz Williams, Sopor Aeternus, Nefilim, Ultra Violence, Leech Woman, Skinny Puppy, Nine Inch Nails, Die Verbannten Kinder Evas, Die Krupps, Rammstein, Aurora, Corvus Corax, Medieaval Babes, Asp, The Crux Shadows, Qntal, Current 93, Sieben...and many more.I still listen to some of the earlier bands I was interested in, but many have been abandoned along the way. These days I'm a big fan of new medieval music, Current 93, and as ever Fields of the Nephilim


In vaguely chronological order the following movies have had an impact on me: The Sword in the Stone, Planet of the Apes, Star Wars, Clash of the Titans, Cut Throat Island, Dougal and the Blue Cat, Conan the Barbarian, Conan the Destroyer, Beastmaster, The Empire Strikes Back, The Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, Blade Runner, Mad Max III, Mad Max II, Mad Max, Time Bandits, The Good the Bad and the Ugly, Once upon a Time in the West, The Silent Flute, Born of Fire, Jabberwocky, Monty Python's Holy Grail,Razorback, The Evil Dead, The Unnamable Returns, Alien, Legend, The Name of the Rose, The Life of Brian, Batman Returns, The Princess Bride, Hardware, Interview with the Vampire, The Crow, Shadowlands, The Reflecting Skin, The Last Temptation of Christ, Dark City, Pi, Dust Devil, The Company of Wolves, Nightmare before Christmas, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Flesh and Blood, Salute of the Jugger, Revelation, 13th Warrior, Dagon, Brotherhood of the Wolf, The Duellists, Le Bossu, Lord of the Rings, Hellboy, Serenity, V for Vendetta, The Libertine, Pan's Labyrinth.....and countless generic barbarian and post apocalyptic films which were probably rubbish but played a part in who I am today.


Programs that made a lasting impression, or I made a special effort to watch. There aren't that many as I'm not really a big telly person, and most of it is instantly forgettable. Dr Who, Saphire and Steel, Robin of Sherwood, Logan's Run, Space 1999, Hammer House of Horror, The Young Ones, Blackadder, Jim Henson's Storyteller, Father Ted, Buffy (although it got a bit dismal in the last few series), Angel, Firefly,The Mighty Boosh, Battlestar Galactica (the new one)


This is more writers than books. I did an English Lit degree so I had to read a lot of novels and it's not something I do for fun much anymore. Mostly I read text books relating to my interests. These are the writers I grew up with and the ones who changed my life. Beatrix Potter, A.A Milne, C.S Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Michael Moorcock, H.P Lovecraft, Robert Graves, Robert Rankin, Neil Gaiman, Margaret Barker (the theologian not any of the many other Margaret Barkers who write books), Raphael Patai, Z'ev ben-Shimon ha-Levi, H.R Brennan, Yuri Stoyanov, A.O. Spare

My Blog

...with the death of the corn.

The last month has been&.the best word I can think of is&.grim. Death in various forms has coated every experience with a thin grey veneer. It started with the bombing of two Yezedi villages in Iraq i...
Posted by Cobweb on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 01:22:00 PST

Recalling cut throat razor sin

Dawnrazor, the perky first album from delightful 80's popsters Fields of the Nephilim, is 20 years old this year. It's making me feel practically prehistoric. I wrote this for my friend Beth's fantast...
Posted by Cobweb on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 11:31:00 PST

Lionel latest

Only the other side of his face and entire body to do now, but I'm chuffed so far....
Posted by Cobweb on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 08:32:00 PST

Rum,fried egg butties, and the lash

On Monday morning I awoke feeling as though I'd spent the weekend locked in a small cupboard with a sex-starved rhinoceros. It seemed to have used my mouth as a toilet too& which was nice. Then I reme...
Posted by Cobweb on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 12:25:00 PST

Such were their faces

I've taken a break from reading and writing this weekend to start on a new sculpture. Mostly because he won't leave me alone.  So far I've only roughed out the basic shape and there is no proper ...
Posted by Cobweb on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 09:09:00 PST

Updates and forthcoming attractions

I've been a tad busy of late, but I can assure you I'm not dead yet. Firstly  some unfinished business from a previous blog. Toes. I'm a very clumsy person with no concept of spatial awareness. I ha...
Posted by Cobweb on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 08:40:00 PST

It's just gone 1am and the effects of the port have yet to wear off

Greenman Steve has tagged me, so for your delight/repulsion/boredom (delete as applicable) I have to come up with 10 random facts about myself!   Here's how you play: Once you've been tagged...
Posted by Cobweb on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 06:01:00 PST

Baby photos

Bah! I was in a really good mood earlier. It was just me a bit of clay and a pointy stick or two. I watched a couple of episodes of Cadfael and finished Herne. All was well with the world, and I was f...
Posted by Cobweb on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 09:39:00 PST

Monsters from the id

Since the MNTD incident ,when one of my paintings was pretty much hijacked, I've been doing some experiments. I'd been meaning to have a go at automatic drawing for ages and this sort of forced my han...
Posted by Cobweb on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 11:04:00 PST

illuminating ways I've not dreamed before

I went to see a band last week. Some of you were there and may remember it. For me the evening went like this:   When we arrived at the Astoria Octopus Spaghetti, as Octavia Sperati had now ...
Posted by Cobweb on Thu, 31 May 2007 01:58:00 PST