sonne, mond, sterne, blumen, h2Ö, phantasie, peace peace, i want to be a apple in a tree, i want to be a apple in a tree, i want to be a apple in a dance, art, film, music, be be be be be be be be be be be be be be be be
Y.U.O. ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
disco, 70, indie, funk, electro, techn:Ö, éasy l., poetry, classic, minimal, kate bush, gospel, björk, funkstörung, donna summer, 5 raumwhng . kompakt. ORB . Tarwater .
meshes in the afternoon [maja deren],stalker [a. tarkowsky], brasil [terry gillam], °pi° and °the fountain° [darren aronovsky], 3 haselnüsse für aschenputtel [tale], Jackie Brown [tarantino] the piano [jane campion], taxi driver, dead man [Jim Jarmusch] Piraten in der Karibik I. II. III. :)
luis bunuel °mein letzter seufzer ° amos vogel °film als subersive kunst°
Dalai Lama