Friendsof Gilad Shalit BDE Ehud & Eldad R. profile picture

Friendsof Gilad Shalit BDE Ehud & Eldad R.

in the words of Golda Meir, who said in 1972, "We will have peace with the Arabs when they will love

About Me

His Name is Gilad Shalit, he was born on 28 August 1986) he is a corporal in the Israel Defense Forces. he come from Mitzpe Hila in the Western Galilee, and holds dual Israeli and French citizenship.[1] He is the first Israeli soldier captured by Palestinians since Nachson Wachsman in 1994.[2] Early on Sunday morning, June 25, 2006, he was captured by Palestinians who attacked an army post in Israel after crossing the border from the Gaza Strip into Israel via a tunnel near the Kerem Shalom crossing at the south Gaza Strip border. During the morning attack, two of his friends also Israel Defense Force soldiers were killed and four others wounded, He suffered a broken left hand and a light shoulder wound.[3] Mohammed Abdel Al, a spokesman for the Popular Resistance Committees, revealed that the Kerem Shalom attack was being planned for almost two months. His captors issued a statement on Monday, June 26, 2006, offering information about me if Israel agrees to release all female Palestinian prisoners and all Palestinian prisoners under the age of 18.[4] The statement came from Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades (the military wing of Palestinian governing party Hamas), the Popular Resistance Committees (which includes members of Fatah, Islamic Jihad and Hamas), and the Army of Islam. On the 1st of July, the Palestinians issued another demand to the Israelis, asking them to free 1,000 Palestinian prisoners (in addition to all women and young prisoners) and end its Gaza assault. [5] Two days later, they issued a 24-hour ultimatum for meeting their demands, threatening unspecified consequences if it refused. [6] A few hours later, however, Israel officially rejected the ultimatum, stating: "there will be no negotiations to release prisoners.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would love for these boys to see their families again. Be able to kiss and hug their mom and dad and let them know that all will be ok, that they will be able to dance at their weddings and cry when a grandson or daughter is born, to let them know that the natural order of this world is working that a parent doesn’t have to bury a son, a parent should worry if their child is too cold, or not warm enough, that their child is well nourished, and has a date for the prom. A parent should never have to stay awake sleepless nights in panic thinking Hamas terrorists may behead their son at any moment. Have faith in god and do not fear what will be done, fear the effect my fate will have on those innocent people whom they have never met, yet they will be killed because their leaders did not do the right thing, that for their personal or ideological goals decided that the taking of innocent life was worth the consequences the Palestinian / Lebanese people as a whole will have to or have paid. The good Palestinians Lebanese people as a nation did not or could not stand up and demand their release, expose the corrupt leadership that is empowered when the Palestinian / Lebanese nations is besieged by a so called common enemy. How many more people will have to die before the Palestinian /Lebanese nations as a whole realizes that the Jews are not going to be wiped of this earth? That to live is to live in peace. There is a Palestinian Martin Luther King Jr. or Egypt's former President Anwar Sadat, Yitzchak Rabin. Out there, a person that is willing to stand up for what’s right for his nation, a true leader. It’s a matter of time before the masses revolt, how long do you thing they will stand idle while losing sons and daughters to a false cause? As for the Palestinian people it’s easy to feed off propaganda, it’s easy to look over the fence and curse with envy what the Israelis have, but the only thing that will achieve is a dirty mouth and teaching you children to hate.. After 48 years you would think the masses would wake up realize that there is no wining but rather the real victory lies in the man, the leader, that will bring peace to the Palestinian nation. He will be remembered for all time as the great leader who chased away death and brought life back to this Holy place on earth. Arafat and the rest will fade into infamy. Victory is accepting reality and making peace. Prime Minister Golda Meir said that there will be peace when the Arabs love their kids more then they hate the Jews. It’s time to start Loving your Kids.Who's Threatening Whom?

Source: Evolution of the Region

Source: First Jewish Kingdom of David
and Solomon 1077-997 BCE

Source: Israel MFA
Required Reading:
Brigitte Gabriel Speaks the Truth at Duke University : Lebanese Christian student Brigitte Gabriel speaks about her family's experience in an Israeli hospital.
An Answer To The New Anti-Zionists : The Rights of The Jewish People To A Sovereign State In Their Historic Homeland. By Dore Gold (former U.N. Ambassador) and Jeff Helmreich.
Who Is Lying About Iraq? : A campaign of distortion aims to discredit the liberation. By Norman Podhoretz (Wall Street Journal).

Stand With Us
Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA)
Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI)
Israel Defense Forces
Front Page Magazine
Dennis Prager
Larry Elder
Ask Moses
A Menachem Mendel Mark Mendy Stern




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My Blog

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Maria is in her 80s and lives in Krakow.

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Germany Today, by William E. Grim

A Gentile's View of Today's Germany by William E. Grim William E. Grim lives in Germany and is a native of Columbus, Ohio. -> I'm not Jewish. No one in my family died in the Holocaust. For me, anti-Se...
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A mini-LED Hanukkah menorah.

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